twenty two

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I open my eyes to my mother stroking my hair. She smiles as she notices that I'm awake. I feel much better as her fingers comb through my locks of hair because I'm used to like waking up to the blaring sound of my alarm.

"You don't have to go to school if you don't want to sweetie." she said.

"Thanks mom but I won't be able to do anything except think." I said.

"It's him isn't it?" she said. I look up to her and nod my head.

"He's just so.. ugh! I can't even explain it. I'd rather go to school and see Sel and Sophia." I sigh.

"Boys can be stupid until they don't notice what they have in front of them." my mom says before getting up. Or they are just dickheads that don't understand what feelings really are.

I pick up my phone, noticing that it was quite early so I wasn't going to late and also realising that my mother was already dressed for work. Before I open my mouth to ask, she already answers my question.

"Hey love, I need to go into work a little early today. Will you be able to lock up before leaving?" she asks.

"Yeah, that's cool ma, I'll see you in the evening." I smile. She strokes my head once more before planting a kiss on it.

"You're the strongest girl I know. Don't let anyone bring you down, especially a guy." she whispers. Her words cause my face to light up. No woman I know is as strong as my mother.

"I hope you have a good day at work." I say. She gives me one last smile before leaving my room. I hear the front door open then close.

I sit up my on my bed unlocking my phone.

Holy fuck, 138 messages! I go onto my messages and notice that most of them are from Sophia and then a shit load from Ethan too. I open the chat between me and Sophia and see that most of them are apologies, threats and rants.

me, 6:45; i just woke up lmao. don't worry about it soph, i'll talk to you in school xx

I clicked onto Ethan's chat, the messages appearing from the top reading 47 unread messages.

ethan, 12:38am; I'm so sorry.

ethan, 12:39am; I didn't mean it Aria. Please talk to me.

ethan, 12:39am; Please.

ethan, 1:04am; I can't stop thinking about you.

Yeah right. I thought I meant nothing to him? What happened that Ethan?

ethan, 2:16am; I'll do anything, please Arianna.

ethan, 2:27am; I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean it.

ethan, 2:31am; Please forgive me?

ethan, 2:33am; I'll do anything.

ethan, 2:49am; I want you Aria. Fuck that, I need you.

I feel my stomach fill up with butterflies at the sight of that message. I shake away the fuzzy feeling that I'm experiencing and remember what he said to me. You're just another stupid girl that I'm trying to get in bed with me.

ethan, 3:00am; doll?

ethan, 3:07am; I know you said to delete your number off my phone but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I really didn't mean it. You mean so much to me Arianna.

ethan, 3:15am; I can't sleep knowing I've hurt you. Please dollface.

ethan, 3:18am; I'm so sorry.

ethan, 3:28am; I miss that smile of yours. Those lips drive me insane. The way you kiss me. I'm already missing your kisses. Can I kiss you again?

Why is so hard for me to stay mad at him? All these messages have me feeling so soft and vulnerable. I can't forgive him, not yet. He doesn't deserve it. I hope I can handle him at school today.

I sigh, scrolling down all the way to bottom. The last message causes my whole body to freeze.

ethan, 4:30am; I love you.

I shut off my phone, stuffing it into my bag. I didn't want to see that message again. That was obviously a massive lie. Does he just think that my feelings are a big joke? That he can just play with them like that?

I get ready, not bothering to do my makeup or any actual effort. I throw on a hoodie and some leggings and a cap to cover my hair. I start humming a song to get my mind off of him.

But I can't. The message keeps ringing in my head. I grab a biscuit and start walking to school, my earphones in my ears. I try to block out my thoughts by putting the volume all the way up.


I love you.


I slam the door to my locker, as Sophia and Selena's face appear behind it.

"Fucking shit!" I say, clutching my heart.

"What's wrong?" Selena asks.

"Did you guys have a fight or something?" Sophia asks. "What? How did you know?" I ask. She looks over her shoulder for a second. "Oh, just a wild guess," she comments.

I follow her gaze and looks behind her to see Ethan leaning against his locker. His hair was messy along with the dark rings under his eyes. Despite that, he still managed to look hot. Ugh, what was I thinking? Snap out of it Arianna!

"I'll talk to you guys about it later." I sigh.

"Ben & Jerry's after school?" Selena smiles.

I smile back, "You got it," I wink. She chuckles as the bell rings for first period.

Damn, we had calculus. With Ethan. Great.

a/n: I updated!1!1!!1 - miracle or what??!
anyways i hope you liked this chapter!

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and don't forget to check out my newest Grayson Dolan book! It's called

bitch, i almost forgot— thank ya'll loyal ass hoes for sticking w me and reading this book!! 1K reads!! it means so much to me 🤯 the love is real 💘💞💗💖💓

lots of love and dick,


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