Chapter 21

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Taehyung's pov

I can feel my sweats falling on my forehead. I can nearly give up because Lisa doesn't have a chance to live at all. It's hard for me to be in this room reviving Lisa. I hug her tight and start to cry when suddenly i feel a beat from her heart and the monitor starts to beat. I immediately let go of the hug and check her pulse, it's working.... Her heart is beating and i can feel her breath. I hug her again, now i'm sobbing. But i remember that i need to tell them that Lisa's alive...oh wait.... i need to tell them that Lisa didn't make it but what if they ask for Lisa's body? Lisa please wake up so that i know what to do

Lisa: Tae!

Tae: Oh my god Lisa, you made it!

Lisa: Yeah i know!.......

she looks sad. i know she doesn't want to do this but she doesn't have a choice but to do this. It's for the best of everyone

Lisa: You know what to do

Tae: But lisa-

Lisa: Just say that Lisa didn't make it and she wants her body to burn.

Tae: Lisa that's hard!

Lisa: Well then, I'll stop beating my heart again and never wake up

I took a dreep breath before speaking

Tae: Lisa if they look at this glass here (i pointed my finger in the little glass on the door) Just act dead okay?

Lisa: Copy, just go tell them already!

Tae: Geez Lisa, this is hard!

I walk slowly to the door and opened it. I saw Jungkook against the wall with his foot. Jisoo hugging Chae's shoulder. Jennie, of course, walking back and forth disconcerted.

I took a deep breath before speaking and close my eyes, hope this works.

Jennie: Is Lisa okay? Is she awake now? What happened there? Can i see Lisa? Is Lisa in her room now? Is she thinking of me now? What happened? Just tell me!

Jennie said that in just one breathe.

Tae: Uh, wow!

Jisoo: Please say something!

Chae: Tae, what happened?

I cannot handle this i want to laugh but then i saw Jennie crying and i see myself crying too. I know Jennie will get hurt if i say this, this is all Lisa's decision anyways. I inhale and then exhale slowly.

Tae: I'm so sorry we try our best but Lisa-

Jennie: She didn't make it?

Chae: Nooooo!

Jisoo: Is it?

I just nodded to them and face palm myself to hide my laughing face. Lisa this is your plan. I saw jungkook looking at me confused, he drag me to the nearest bathroom while the three is crying.

Jungkook: What really happened?

Tae: Chill dude!

Jungkook: Is she freaking dead now?

Tae: Dude she's alive, don't panic.

Jungkook: But why did you said that she didn't make it?

Tae: Lisa wanted this to happen okay? It's her plan

Jungkook: You guys plan without me?

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