Helping a friend

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Hi guys, it's been a long time. Please take time to read.

I'm starting to consider publishing book 2 of this book so i need some suggestions and ideas (comment below). Also i unpublished Pure business and The sound of your heart because it needs improvement when it comes to the plot and all that stuff. My mind is so messy right now like yesterday i want this but when i woke up in the morning i don't want what i thought i want yesterday and want something else then now i want something else than i thought in the morning, see, it keeps on changing. That's why I can't make up my mind and settle to one. Anyways, I'm just saying this so that you know what I'm feeling and what my mind is experiencing.

A lot of stuff happened. We all have a life outside wattpad and other social media platform. We all have other things to prioritize first in the real world. Wattpad is just to escape the real world for the meantime, to divert your attention to and to feel what each books want you to feel. I have big respect to those authors who manage to handle their life outside and inside wattpad. I admire their strength and their motivation to continue their passion, to write. I salute you authors, i really do.

But this update is not for me but for a friend. I want to support them by promoting their first book (they want to keep their identity anonymous). They just published the first chapter of their book: Unpredictable Betrayal . A jenlisa fanfiction. Its genre is mystery, crime and drama romance. I was supposed to be the one to publish it here on my account but i told them to publish it on their own and I'll support them all the way. So i hope you guys will also support them. I would appreciate it if you do. Their account is rubyjannie and I'll put the link here:

Please do support them because i got inspiration from them to write stories. It's their first time to actually publish a book on wattpad since all of their stories are stored somewhere hidden hahahaha they won't tell me. But they do have a lot of drafts, ready to be publish. Thank you in advance guys. I appreciate everyone who would check their account and read their first published book 💖

P.S it's a G!P though and some people are not comfortable with it so don't say I didn't warned everyone hihihi

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