Chapter 31

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Jennie's pov

It's quiet and relaxing here at Jisoo's resort. There's no sign of them everywhere maybe they are still arranging their clothes or they are just here somewhere. Oh i forgot I'm holding Lili's hand. It kinda feel nice though because i feel safe around her especially now that we're holding hands. I'm curious because she's wearing a hoodie and a face mask. Is she shy or something? She's pretty without face mask on, she actually looks like my girlfriend in the past. I look in to her eyes, Lili's eyes are attractive i can feel that I'm confortable with her already, the feeling is lighter. Without realizing that she's looking at me too.

Lili: You okay nini?

Why did she call me nini? and it feels nice hearing those words from her. My heart starts to beat fast.

Jennie: Yeah! Let's just go to the beach *smile*

Lili: okay! *smile*

We are now walking because we're going to the beach. Lili and I are still holding hands, it's like i don't want to let go. I'm so happy right now, i can't hide it but the more she hold my hand tighter the more i feel safe and it made my heart more happy. I don't know what exactly I'm feeling right now, it's confusing but i really love this moment. It's strange that I don't feel this way whenever taeyong would hold my hand or just stand by my side but with lili, it feels........ familiar unfamiliar.


Lili's pov

Jennie and I are walking now at the beach.

Jennie is watching the water waving to the sand while I'm looking at her. She never change except that she has an amnesia. I'm really really lucky to have this girl in my life i mean in the past but she's not mine now. I quit looking at her and look at at sand instead. It makes me sad that I'm no longer hers and she's not mine, this is all my fault i really really want to turn back time so that i can say to her that "hey nini! I'm alive i can't leave you like that. We're going to be happy. I love you Jennie kim!" I wish i could say that words but that's all in the past and i can't bring that back.

Seeing her happy right now is what makes me happy too. I will always be here when you need a friend. I'm trying to love somebody else but it didn't work because i really really want you back Jennie kim. Your eyes that can melt my whole body whenever you're looking at me. Your nose that i missed kissing. Your fluffy cheeks that i love pinching and kissing. Your lips that always distract me when you're talking and when you're showing me your gummy smiles it's like heaven. Your hug that wants me to die because it's tight. Your soft hands that fits perfectly to my hands. The whole Jennie Kim i missed and the whole Jennie Kim i want to be in my life forever and always. I hope this is all just a dream and i don't want to wake up yet because this is the most beautiful dream i have.


No one's pov

Jennie and Lili are still walking at the beach looking around while holding hands.

Jennie: I'm really tired of walking, can we sit down there? (pointing at the chair under the old but pretty tree with lights on it)

Lili: Yeah sure, you can sit down there (smile)

Jennie: (let go of Lili's hand and sit down) How about you? (gummy smile)

Don't make that gummy smile, I'm melting here, Lili thought to herself

Lili: I'm fine, i can sit down here (pointing at the sand)

Jennie: You know what? we can share this chair and it looks like this chair can fit two person (Jennie move backward leaving a face in front of her) Here, you can sit down here! (patting the space of the chair while smiling at Lili)

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