Chapter 47

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Chae: so as you heard from 2 months ago..... Jennie and Lisa had a fight right?

The others just nodded.

Chae: i can clearly remember what are the words that came out of Lisa's mouth.

Taeyong: I do too because i heard it all.... except for the one you and Lisa talk about. did you guys fought?

Chae: No. no. we.... did n..not. She just said something to me that got me shook.

Taehyung: please proceed *sway his hand*

Chae: Lisa said to Jennie this words that she deserve the slap form Jennie and Jennie said that Lisa didn't do anything at all so the reaction of lisa is shook but then she continued. Jennie-

Jungkook: We all know that because we're there right?

Chae: Oh....right!

Jisoo: We wanted to know what happened outside after you followed Lisa.

Chae: Oh....right!

Taehyung: please proceed. *sway his hand again*

Chae: That time where i followed Lisa outside i heard her laugh at first then i asked her what's wrong. Her sarcastic laugh turned into a serious face with a serious tone. I just shut my mouth and listen to her carefully. She said the words such as it's all her fault, everything's her fault. She evan say sorry to me for so many times i can't count but it's so many.

Jisoo: Well yeah it's all her fault beca-

Jungkook: Let her finish first *glare at Jisoo*

Taehyung: please proceed *sway his hand again*

Chae: she said that she's a mess, a big mess. Because of her she's hurting the person she love and she's hurting us. Because of her this all happened. She's not mad at us, she's mad at herself for being like that.

Jisoo: Well she should be becau-

Jungkook: Can you just please listen first before judging Lisa? *he said angrily and look at Chae to listen*

Taehyung: Please proceed *Sway his hand again*

Chae: so yeah. She said that she tried to see other people, she tried to forget everything but it didn't work. She's tired seeing us crying, hurting because of her. She been through a lot and she face it alone. She said to me also that when she look at herself in the mirror, she can see a failure, a big big mess. She sometimes pretend that she's okay even if it's not. Lisa was sorry for hurting us, for leaving us and for loving Jennie becau-

Jisoo: What!? she's sorry for loving Jennie my Jendeuk? What the hec-

Jungkook: Stop! If you don't shut your mouth i will put a freaking duck tape to you mouth! *he said angrily looking at Jisoo then look at Chae to listen*

Jisoo shut her mouth and didn't speak at all.

Taeyung: Please proceed *sway his hand again*

Chae: okay? *look at Taehyung but then continue* As i was saying, She's sorry for loving Jennie because she will always ended up hurting her and leaving her. She didn't want to hurt any of us especially Jennie but as she said that she already did. She's falling deep inlove for Jennie but she thought that Jennie isn't the one for her nor Lisa. She said that she caused so much trouble to all of us and she doesn't want to happen it again. Lisa's world is tearing into pieces, she sometimes feel that. Wait.... no! she always feels that she didn't exist like she's nobody. Remember that she fake her death?

Taeyong: Oh, that one? what about it?

Chae: She said that she wish that it's true, that she's now dead and now in hell suffering because she didn't deserve to live and-

Jisoo: well ye- *Jungkook glare at her and she slowly look down and shut her mouth*

Taehyung: please proceed *sway his hand again*

Chae: And yeah, she's sorry for everything that happened in the past. She said that we are her family so she didn't want her to see that we are hurting. Lisa want us to be happy without her. Lisa wants to see us grow individually because we deserve better. She's really sorry guys for what happened to us because of her. She doesn't want us to suffer because she'll do everything just for us and yes i can see that we're suffering for the past 2 months but look at us now we're happy right? Lisa wants to take all our pain so that she will be the one to suffer. Don't you understand it guys? Lisa helped us to a lot actually. You, jungkook and Taehyung. She helped you two right, for being a famous model and built a house?

Jungkook and Taehyung: yeah *said in unison*

Taehyung: she paid for all our bills in the house and yeah she helped us to become who we are today.

Jungkook: because of her we wouldn't be here.

Chae: see? *smile* and you Taeyong, you're lucky because you met Jennie and that is because of Lisa. You know why?

Taeyong: why?

Chae: because Lisa fake her death so that Jennie will find somebody else that's better than her. So here you are friends with Jennie. Because of her you met us all. right?

Taeyong: Oh yeah, you're right. Thank Lisa i found Jennie and you guys became my friends. But also thanks to Jennie.

Chae: Yes! *smile widely and look at Jisoo who's looking down* And you my chikin!


Chae: Yes! without Lisa we wouldn't be here as couple and I'm so happy that we met. Because of her I'm here for you. I would ignore you because you almost kill her on the parking lot but Lisa insisted t come with you guys and there. You see? Lisa did made us happy right?

Jisoo: yeah, i think so too *slowly smiling widely and nodding*

Chae: And Jennie unnie, without Lisa she wouldn't met Taeyong that helped her to a lot of things. without Lisa she wouldn't have her lili. Lisa did what she have to do and that is to make us all happy. She helped us to build this house while the three of us are eating like children remember? *smile and remembering the past* Lisa's happy when she sees us happy

Jungkook: What did Lisa did to you then? *furrowed brow while looking at Chae*

Chae smile widely and spoke

Chae: Without Lisa, i wouldn't have a bestfriend. She help me to a lot, like really to a lot of things. She always take care of me even if we're arguing sometimes. She always wants me to be happy and just continue to pursue what i love to do. I got inspired writing a song just because of her and my chikin helped me to debut *patting Jisoo's shoulder* Lisa always brought me to thailand just to hang out with her families. She also brought me to different countries such as africa, japan and i went home with her in australia because she wanted me to meet my parents. Too many to mention, I'm like her sister from different blood so we stick through thick and thin. Don't worry my chikin, you're still my love. Lisa is like a family to me, a sister.

Jisoo: i feel the same way too to Lisa, she's like a sister to me as well.

Jungkook and Taehyung: same

Taeyong: Yeah, but at first i didn't like her because she's my rival but when the time flies i feel like I'm having a sister because of her. Not to mention this but she even helped me to get Jennie's heart, i guess i got her there but she's still in love for Lisa and as a man i accepted it and moved on. And i met this two dorks *pointing at Taehyung and Jungkook*

Taehyung: We, guys are family here. We will stick together no matter what happens.

Jungkook: yes indeed.

All of them laugh.

This is the best family bonding for all of them.

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