Chapter 52

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"What was that?"

Jungkook said as he stop eating his bread and look at me.

Jennie: It's the tv!

Jungkook: You mean that? *some bread are in his mouth while speaking and pointing to the LCD.

Jennie: yeah!

Chae: Is there any movies? We can watch some?

Whoa! I thought she's sleeping but here she is asking for movies.

Jennie: I don't know eaither. Yong here you're in control of the tv.

I throw the remote to his direction and luckily he catch it.

Taeyong: Wait, what this blue button do?

He press the blue button and the tv turned into a selection area. There's a lot of selections. There's MV or music videos, music but no video, gallery, camera, facetime, calendar, weather, notes, clock, settings and youtube. So it is basically like a phone but this one is a tv.

Taeyong select the gallery and it appear 3 folders. The 1st folder named as Family. The 2nd folder named as Videos. The third and last folder named as LiNi. Wait..... what? LiNi? Now I'm so curious on what's inside that folder but Taeyong select the 2nd folder. Whoa...... i didn't expext that to see.

Taeyong: Guys, look!

Jisoo: busy eating my chikin!

Jungkook: eating my bread!

Taehyung: checking my phone!

Chae: guys! just please look at the tv.

Taehyung: what is i- whoa! I didn't see that coming!

Jisoo: huh? What abo-

Jungkook: I didn't know that Lisa made covers and video edits.

Jennie: Same!

Taeyong: Let play some.

Taeyong select the 2nd video, there are only 3 videos and we watch it carefully.

As the video stop. We are speechless because we didn't expect that coming. Lisa...... take videos of us to every places we go and there are some video of us having fun, we are all smiling, laughing, running, walking etc. The background music is strawberries and Cigarettes by Troye Sivan. Lisa is sweet by making that for us.

No one are talking when Taeyong turn back and select the 3rd video.

After we watch it, i almost tear up so i bit my lower lip to prevent myself from crying. It's one of her edits that contains pictures of her family, how they hug each other, how they laugh, how they bond. For the last minute she's in front of the camera talking about how she love her family and how thankful she was and she also feel sorry.

"Family comes first" That's what her last sentence of the video. She really love her family so much and I'm touched because of her love even though she feel that she is not enough.

Chae: Taeyong just play the last video.

Taeyong turn back and select the 1st video which is the last one.

Hey, I'm Lalisa Manoban you can call me Lisa but my nini call me lili and that's cute especially when i hear that coming form her. Anyways, i don't want to make you feel sad..... let's just be happy together. Don't worry I'm always right here, always. here.

I don't know what to say to this, i just wanted to make this video hahahaha I'm bored here so i will tell you a story.

I love taking pictures and when I'm with my cousins they sometimes turn me into a model. That's my dream job, to become a photographer and a model but i love being a photographer more than being a model. It makes me feel happy for what I'm doing. Since then when i was highschool, my teachers will compete me to the other hs student to take pictures. It become my thing in school and they call me photographer L. The students and teachers always complimented me about how good i am even though i don't think I'm good at taking pictures. So when i graduated and become a college student i have my part time job and that is modeling. I stop from being a photographer and try modeling. Luckily, i saved some money and didn't bother to spend it instead i locked it in my bank account. Everytime i model or taking pictures for other people, the money that they gave me is in my bank account. I can buy what i wanted and i know that i need to save that for my future. When i graduated from being a college, i found a decent job where i work for being a manager. The money they are giving me is higher than i expected so i save that again. I wasn't contented for being a manager because i really wanted to become a photographer and a model so i worked for the company named nonagon as a model. They treated me well, and some famous artists there are now my friends, they gave me a lot of advices and helped me as a return i will treat them when we're off, anywhere they want. But again i was not contented so i try being a photographer which is what i really want. I become famous and etc. All of my money from work are in my bank account, all of them. I only have my pocket money where i can buy limited things. I'm happy because everyone's happy. My money increase everytime i work hard, i didn't know that i saved a lot, like a lot of money and i can see that my hard work pays off. As a return to everyone who helped me and to the one i love, i spend the half of it. I bought them a house, cars, motorbike and the half of that half is i parted to everyone. So if you are asking about where and how did i got the money there's the answer.

and one more thing

Back when i was young, i really love to see the sky because it made me feel that even though how bright is your life for the first time, it will fade away temporarily and just accept the fact that when you wake up you can see again the bright side that everything's will be alright again. It's like a challenge, an obstacles that you need to face.


Chae: yes, she's right. She's still in shocked because of that. Joy, the person who managed her bank account, told Lisa how much did she saved so yeah.

Taeyong: so she'll do anything for her love ones?

Taehyung: yes, that's Lisa. She'll do EVERYTHING for her love ones. It's okay for her to spend her money just to make her family and us happy. She'll sacrifice everything. Money is nothing to her compare to the happiness that she's spreading

I was silent that time and i don't know what to say either.

We spent our remaining hours watching movies, listening so some songs and jam to it. Also we eat and drink.

Mr. Shim: Look up everyone!

We all look up but all we can see is nothing except for the roof. Oh, wait....... the roof of the car is becoming transparent. Whoaaa! Now we can see the stars.

Jungkook: it's pretty!

Jisoo: yes indeed

They are right, it's so pretty. We can see how the stars shine so bright.

Mr. Shim: We are now here!

Mr. Shim said to the speaker. We waited for him to open the door because we don't have access to it. The door is wide enough for us to enter and exit. We waited for a couple minutes until Mr. Shim open the door.

We shook our heads because the tv truned off and the foods are gone. Maybe it's just the way how it goes, when everyone is leaving this limousine it automatically do it.

Mr. Shim: You all can go out now.

Mr. Shim finally opened the door. We carry our backpacks and one by one we went out of the car.

We are standing and fixing ourselves then Mr. Shim spoke.

Mr. Shim: Welcome to your new house Ms. Jennie.

He smiled at me, so am i. We all look up and we are shook because of what's in front of us

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