Lucky Girl

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"Zoe hurry up we are going to miss our flight!" I screamed at my best friend as she was ordering the food she didn't need.

"Yeah, yeah relax girl!" She yelled back at me laughing. She got her food and we walked over to the airport entrance and we gave them are tickets.

"Oh I am sorry ma'am but you can't bring that food on the plane." The security guard told my best friend Zoe.

"Excuse me good sir, but I am bringing this food on the plane if you like it or not. I have a long flight to London and I am not eating crappy airline food! So if you would excuse me." She said and tried to squeeze past him.

"Zoe who cares just leave the food! We are going to miss the flight!" I yelled at her. I knew this wouldn't be easy because if how stubborn she was.

"Leave the food! Hell no! This is good food and I am not leaving it for some guy to eat and enjoy. I am taking this with me." She protested. I just sighed and rubbed my temples.

"It's too early in the morning for this lady." The man said trying to grab her food to throw it out.

"No!" She slapped his hand.

"Forget it! Just board the plane and leave!" He said finally letting us through.

"That's what I thought." She said sticking her head up high. She always gets her way. We walked down the terminal to the entrance of the plane. We took our seats in first class, thanks to our parents we got first class seats. I was 18 and Zoe was 17 and we were going to England for college. College doesn't start for a few weeks but we wanted to get there to pick our classes and stuff. We have been dreaming of this since our freshman year in high school.

"Izzy! Look at this seat it reclines!" Zoe said excitedly. She called me Izzy but she was the only one I preferred Bella, my real name was Isabella.

"How fascinating." I said with the most sarcastic tone. This was going to be a long flight. I put in my ear phones and one direction came on. I laid back and fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up to "Ladies and gentleman we will be landing in London in a short 2 hours." Finally! I was so excited and I guess Zoe was to.

"2 Hours!" She yelled at me. People were staring at us as we both freaked out. For the rest of the time I and Zoe just talked about how we were going to have so much fun in London and all the cute British boys.

"Okay Ladies and Gentleman you are free to get up and collect your items. Hope you had a good flight and welcome to London." The flight attendant said over the intercom.

"Let's go!" We both grabbed are bags and ran off the plane. It was so hot in the airport. I was wearing red hot pants with a white flowery blouse and red toms. My brown hair fell just below my shoulders. Zoe had on a pair of white hot pants and a blue striped shirt with white toms. Her hair was like mine but longer. We walked through the airport and went outside to get a taxi. As we walked out the door a gust of hot air hit our faces. We finally got a taxi and it took us to the hotel we would be staying at.

"Wow this place is amazing!" I said as we walked in the door. I looked up at the huge hotel.

"Look a fountain!" Zoe said running over to it.

"Zoe no!" I was too late she tripped and fell right into the fountain.

"Well…" She said spitting the water out of her mouth. As I was helping her up I saw a group of boys walk by. They were laughing at Zoe and how she fell in the fountain. I was laughing as I was pulling her out and I guess she noticed. I turned around to see the boys and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the boys of one direction.

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