Sinon x Kirito?

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Asuna's P.O.V

As class ended I quickly got up and practically ran to science. I needed to get to Kirito as soon as possible. I sprinted down the hall way to the class and quickly sat by Kirito. I was out of breath as I put my supplies on the ground. 

Kirito: Were you that excited to see me?

I looked over to him and smiled. I slightly placed my head on his shoulder. He then put his head on top of mine. I got out of that position and grabbed a book then went back to him. We started reading at the same time until class started. Right when the bell was about to ring I had seen Sinon in the corner of my eye. She walked through the door and saw me and Kirito reading together. She smirked and started walking towards us. My palms got sweaty as she took one step closer. She was about to say something when Liz ran right into her.

Liz: Excuse me Sinon! That's my seat!

She smiled at Sinon and sat in her seat.

Sinon: O-Oh I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

I could see fake tears in her eyes.

Kirito: It's fine just sit by Liz.

Sinon looked embarrassed as she sat down next to Liz. She then looked into Kirito's eyes.

Sinon: Thank you.

She blushed as she looked away and Kirito confusingly looked at me. I had a pouted and jealous face as he turned to me. He smirked at me and whispered in my ear.

Kirito: You're jealous. Aren't you? Don't worry I love you.

He slightly kissed the top of my ear and backed away. My pouted face turned into a blushing one. I smiled and then the class started. Kirito was holding my hand under the desk as usual. I mean we could hold our hands on top of the desk, but we kept it as a tradition to do it under the desk. Soon the class ended and Kirito and I took our bags. We all got up to go to our next period which was lunch. When we walked Sinon rushed over to Kirito.

Sinon: Hey Kirito!

She smiled at Kirito while I was about to grab Kirito's hand.

Kirito: Oh hey.

Sinon: So I was thinking we could maybe go out to the movies?

Kirito: Actually-

Before he could say his answer I grabbed his hand and rushed him somewhere where she wasn't there. He became confused as I brought him to the janitor's closet and closed the door. I was a little out breath thinking about how she just asked my boyfriend on a date. My face became red with anger until I felt someone's soft lips connect with mine. Kirito pinned me to the wall as we were still connected. He backed away and looked into my eyes. We talked, laughed, and loved for the rest of lunch.

We walked out of the closet holding hands, smiling, and blushing hard. It was already the next class after lunch. 

Kirito: Aw man I'm hungry.

Asuna: We'll eat at my house.

He smiled as we went our separate ways to go to class. The rest of the day was boring. I just looked a little messed up. My hair was messy and I needed to fix my clothes from running and...yea. At the end of the day me and Kirito met up and started to walk to my house. Then someone interrupted our little walk.

Sinon: Yes or no? 

Kirito: Sorry Sinon, I already have a girlfriend.

She stood there speechless as we started to walk ahead. We finally made it to my house. I opened the door and rushed to the kitchen.

Asuna: Still hungry?

Kirito smiled and nodded as he closed the door. He put his stuff down and walked to me. I got out paper plates, bread, spicy sauce, and turkey. As I made our sandwiches I felt someone slide my bag of my arm. I smiled as I knew it was Kirito. He slid his hands around my waist as he watched my make sandwiches. After I was done Kirito's head was resting on my shoulder. I brought the sandwich, that was extra spicy, to his face. He took a bite and smiled.

Asuna: Come on let's go sit down. 

He nodded and let go of me. He brought both our plates and put it on the table. We both sat down next to eachother while we ate silently. We didn't have any time to talk since we were super hungry. After we finished I brought the plates to the trash can. I threw them away and sat next to Kirito.

Asuna: Now what? 

Kirito: Hmm...what about we watch a movie.

Asuna: Ok!

I went on Netflix and searched for a movie. I passed through a couple of my favorites until I found Kirito and my favorite. I put on Pirates of the Caribbean and sat down on the couch. Kirito followed behind me and put his arm around me while sitting as well.

After the movie we both stretched and yawned.

Asuna: Guess you should get home.

I was suddenly lifted off the floor and carried to my room.

Kirito: I'm staying.

Asuna: K-Kirito.

Kirito: Please?

Asuna: I mean you are already here.

Kirito: Yay!

He got to my room and sat me on the bed. He was about to go under the covers when I stopped him.

Asuna: Wait get out real quick.

Kirito: Umm ok?

He quickly got out and closed the door. I changed into my pajamas and got comfortable. I didn't want to sleep in my school clothes.

Asuna: Ok, you may come in.

He came in with his shirt loose. I blushed as I thought of him shirtless that one time. He climbed into to bed and laid next to me. He pulled my closer to him and kissed my nose. Just like that he smiled and fell asleep. He must've been really tired. Good thing we didn't have homework today. I played with his hair for a couple of minutes then turned off the lights. It was cold and scary, so I snuggled up close to Kirito for comfort and warmth. I felt his arms wrap around me. I smiled and fell asleep on his chest.

It was Friday morning and I was up early. Kirito had his hands still wrapped around me. I smiled as I looked at his cute face. I didn't want him to wake up so early. I silently got out of bed and made us something to eat. I made pancakes with chocolate chips in it. I brought them to my room and set it on the dresser. It was now a decent time to wake up. I poked his face untill his eyes fluttered open. Once he saw me he smiled and brought me into bed. I was a little suprised, but then calmed. 

Kirito: Good morning beautiful.

Asuna: Good morning handsom.

We kissed briefly and then I gave him the pancakes I made. We both sat up as we ate our pancakes.

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