I Forgive You

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Asuna's P.O.V

Klein: Ok, got to go! See you guys tomorrow!

Everyone Except Klein: Bye!

I looked at everyone and smiled. They all smiled back. Then I felt Kirito rub my head.

Kirito: We should go too.

Liz: Sounds good.

Leafa: Cool beans!

Silica nodded as I gripped onto Kirito's hand, symbolizing an agreement. We all left SAO to carefully lift the nerve gears from our heads. I glanced around to find Sinon gone, but her nerve gear still there. I frowned then started to pout. I can't believe she almost took Kirito away from me again!

Liz: Where's Sinon?

I pouted and turned around while puffing out my cheeks in frustration.

Asuna: How should I know?

Silica: Asuna? Are you ok?

Asuna: Peachy.

Kirito: Sinon tried to get me alone again, but this time Asuna said something.

Asuna: Hmf! Nobody steals my Kirito...

I mumbled the last part, but I think Kirito heard me.

Liz: Well! I'm going to bed! It's late.

Leafa: Me too, I'm tired from fighting that monster.

Silica: Yea, see you tomorrow Kirito, Asuna.

We both waved goodbye to the three musketeers. I giggled while thinking of them in outfits from the movie. Though, my thought was interrupted by Kirito's hand, placing on my shoulder. I shivered at the warmth of his hand on my cold skin.

Kirito: You should go to bed.

Asuna: Alright!

I smiled brightly as Kirito's face became confused. I snuggled up against Kirito and sighed.

Asuna: Goodnight!

Kirito: Asuna, that's not what I meant.

I furrowed my eyes.

Asuna: I don't want to leave you.

Kirito: Why? Is it because I am your Kirito?

I blushed and stared at his face, smirking down to me.

Asuna: Baka, I meant to have said it quieter.

I felt his arms wrap around me and his head rest on the top of my head.

Asuna: Today is Wednesday?

Kirito: Think so.

I giggled and placed his hand on my cheek.

Asuna: I can't wait for your secret.

Kirito: About that.

Was he calling it off? Does he not want to tell me anymore? If not then, there's a chance he won't ask me to marry him. Though, that's just a theory. I don't think I deserve that, but... I started to blush.

Kirito: I want you to come to me on a date on Friday.

I sweat dropped. He wasn't cancelling it.

Love Isn't Just A Game(Asuna x Kirito)Where stories live. Discover now