Please, Help Me

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Asuna's P.O.V

???: ASUNA!!!

I looked to see Liz screaming and running to a couple of boys. Richard still had me by the hair and tried to drag me in the van. I struggled to get in and tried to escape, but Richard pushed me in. When he went to close the door, before he locked it, I kicked it open which led me to fall on the floor. A bunch of guys started running towards Richard while Liz ran to me. 

Liz: ASUNA! ASUNA! ARE YOU OK!? Oh wait...

She pulled of the cloth from my mouth and went to walk behind me to untie me. When she did, she was slapped by Richard. My eyes widened and I saw the guys that tried to save me on the floor and Liz on the floor, but still conscious while holding her cheek and running to the crowd of students that appeared in front of me. I saw that boy that Liz was talking to earlier grab her out the way of Richard. Then I saw Kirito stand in front of all the kids. His eyes made him look so worried about me. I was tearing up. Then Richard grabbed me by the hair and pointed a knife to my neck. More tears ran down my cheeks.

Kirito: LET HER GO!

Richard: Yea sure!-NOT!

Asuna: P-Please K-K-Kirito don't come any c-closer...

Richard: SHUT UP! All of you, if you make one more step towards us I will kill her! I will!

Kirito: ASUNA!

Asuna: K-Kirito...

I started sobbing. I was on my knees, getting pulled by my hair, with a knife pointed at my neck. I saw worry in Kirito's eyes. He was probably blaming everything on himself. He said that he would protect me and there you have it. All he did was go for a bathroom break and I got kidnapped and now I might die.


Richard: Oh yea!? WHO'S GOING TO STOP ME!?

Asuna: K-Kirito I-I-I love y-you...

The knife got closer to my neck and it cut me not too much to make me die, but enough to make me faint. As I fell on the floor, I saw Kirito run up to Richard and start punching him. He grabbed the knife and threw it over to where he couldn't reach. Blood spilled from Richard's nose, mouth, and ears. Teachers started pulling Kirito back and restraining Richard. Then soon all the teachers went to Richard and Kirito went to me. He had tears in his eyes and he carried me. The last thing I saw was him carrying me in bridal style and saying:

Kirito: I love you'll be ok.

The next thing I knew, I appeared in a hospital. My neck felt weird and every time I moved it, it would hurt. I turned slightly over to see Kirito and his hands covering his face with his arms on his legs while sitting. I smiled and tried to speak.

Asuna: K-Kiri-i-to

Kirito: A-Asuna!

Even though we were close he practically ran over to me and hugged me. He cried in my shoulder.

Kirito: Dang it Asuna! *sob* Why do you make it so hard to keep my promise! *sob* I'm trying to protect you! 

Asuna: I-I'm s-s-s-orry..

Kirito: Don't speak.

He kissed me passionately and I melted away. I loved how he wanted to protect me. I didn't want to stop, but I started running out of breath. We stopped and he looked at me with tears in his eyes. My tears then started falling too. We hugged while crying. If someone made one slight mistake and stepped forward, I wouldn't be here right now.

More tears were shed until there was a knock at the door. Kirito tried to wipe his tears and I did too. Lucky for him whenever he cries he doesn't get a red nose or eyes, but I do. The doctor came in and smiled weakly.

Dr. Aomori: Hello Asuna, I'm Dr. Aomori and I will be checking up on you. I see you had some incident.

I nodded slowly and I felt Kirito grab my hand and hold it. Then the door bursts open.

Mrs. Yuuki: ASUNA! I'm so sorry I'm late. As soon as I heard the news I went straight here.

Mr.Yuuki: Me too!

My mom and dad rushed over to me and started caressing my head while Kirito still held my hand.

Dr. Aomori: Well, you're here, good! Now I need this young man to step out, unless he's family of course.

Asuna: H-He's m-my-

Kirito placed a finger to my lips and let go of my hand. 

Kirito: I said no talking. 

He stood up and looked to the doctor.

Kirito: I'll wait outside. 

A frown could be seen on my face. 

Dr. Aomori: Ok well, that cut almost killed you, so like that boy said, you should not be talking so much. Yes, you need to eat, but try soft foods and blah blah blah blah blah...

I stopped listening and try to imagine Kirito with me. All I wanted was him. Though I waited till the doctor finished.

Mrs. Yuuki: How long will it take for her to recover?

Dr. Aomori: About two to three weeks. The cut wasn't deep, but it was big. Though that should be all. She should be able to go home as long as she doesn't mess with her wound.

Mr. Yuuki: Ok.

Dr. Aomori: See you guys later and I hope you feel better, Asuna. I'll let your boyfriend, I presume, come in.

He opened the door and walked out. The next thing I know, Kirito appeared by the door. He sat in the same chair he was sitting at and held my hand.

Mrs. Yuuki: Should we get a wheelchair?

I nodded 'no', but still ended up in one. Kirito was pushing it while my parents discussed stuff by the front desk. I lifted my hand and put it on Kirito's. He was suprised, but then held my hand. I wanted to say something, but knew it would hurt. I didn't care I needed to say this.

Asuna: I-I-I love y-you...I-I-I-

Kirito: Asuna, shhhh. It's ok.

Asuna: N-No i-it's n-n-not.

Kirito: I know what you want to say, and I'm saying it's ok. Now please stay quiet. I know it must hurt to talk.

I frowned and turned to him. He was a little confused, but I grabbed his face and brought it down to mine, so we could share a kiss. He was a little shocked, but then kissed back.

Mrs. Yuuki: AHEM!

We suddenly stopped and looked away from eachother, blushing.

Mrs. Yuuki: That's what I thought.

She walked in front of us while we giggled to ourselves. Giggling hurt me, but I couldn't help, but smile.

Love Isn't Just A Game(Asuna x Kirito)Where stories live. Discover now