Going Out

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Asuna's P.O.V

I got my purse and opened my door. The sunlight was very bright even though it was quickly going down. I had my hair down, so every time I took a step it would sway. I didn't pay attention to anything or anyone while walking to my destination. I walked to my favorite ice cream, Baskin Robins. When I got there I ordered a vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup in a cup. I sat down at one of the tables outside an ate ice cream while playing games on my phone. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to see a big man with a few tattoos and a beard.

???: Heyyyy....missy.

I looked to where he came from and saw a bar. Oh great..

Asuna: Um..hello sir.

???: Wanna come with meee...?

Asuna: I'm sorry sir. I'm occupied right now.

???: Oh, come on. We can have fun at my place!

I was finishing my ice cream and as soon as I did I threw it away and grabbed my phone.

Asuna: I'm sorry sir, I have to go now.

As I started to walk away the same guy tugged on my wrist to make me fall.

???: I told you, you're coming with me. Hehhehe..

His breath was disgusting and I tried to break free of his grip, but he was so much stronger than me.

Asuna: Sir, let me go!

He started laughing hysterically.

???: No...no..nooo.. 

Asuna: Let me go!

He gripped onto me tighter. Pulling me to him. His hand were on my waist and I was right be his chest.

???: Let's go pipsqueak.

Asuna: Ahhhh!

???: Stop squirming!

He was leading me to his car.

Asuna: Let me go! Who are you anyway!?

Richard: The name's Richard.

Asuna: Please, Richard, let me go..


He slapped me which made me fall to the ground.

Asuna: Ahhh!

???: LET HER GO!!

My eyes were closed, but I heard a huge fist fight. I was still on the ground when the noises became quiet. I heard footsteps coming closer to me and footsteps running away from me. My cheek hurt really bad, so I held my hand where he slapped me. I was picked up in bridal style by someone. I didn't know who it was, but I held onto him tightly. He stopped walking and I opened my eyes to see my house. When I looked at the person I started crying again. 

Asuna: K-Kirito....?*sniff* *sniff*

His grip on me became tighter. He walked to the door and found the key under the mat. He opened the door and walked in. He closed the door and walked to my room. He set me down on the bed and he kneeled on the ground while putting his face in my lap. My lap became wet not only from my tears, but his.

Kirito: I-I'm s-so sorry...I will n-never leave y-you again..

Asuna: K-Kirito...

Kirito: I realized without you I'm nothing and without you, you get hurt worse. I-I'm sorry. I-I love you s-so much!

Asuna: K-Kirito...you hurt me..a lot, but I can't stop loving you!

He looked up at me, his eyes full of tears. I was also full of tears. We leaned in close and kissed lovingly. How I missed his hugs, kisses, and love. We were still connected when we got in bed. We took a breath and I cuddled close to him.

Kirito: T-Thank you...Asuna, I l-love you.

Asuna: I l-love you too.

We kissed again and my hands went through his hair. It was very messy, so he must've had a rough day. Did he really need me this much?

Kirito: Yes.

Asuna: W-What?

Kirito: I do really need you this much. You are my everything. I won't ever lose you. I won't let you get hurt.

I smiled and kissed him again quickly. He hugged me and we both took a very comforting nap.

When we woke up it was 9:30. We both looked at eachother and stayed close. We didn't want to separate. He started playing with my hair until I thought of something. I looked under the bed and grabbed Kirito's shirt. When I took it out my back was facing him. I put it to where he could see it and wrapped his arms around me.

Kirito: I'm sorry..

He let go of me and I turned over to him where we were facing eachother. I slid on the shirt and I guess he saw the tear stains on it because he pulled me closer.

Kirito: I'm sorry I made you so sad.

Asuna: I'm ok, you'll stay with me forever, right?

Kirito: Of course!

We kissed again and I was overjoyed that I was in his arms again. Just like he said, he was my everything. I love him so much. I can't lose him again.

Asuna: By the way, thank you for saving me.

Kirito: I will save you a million times if it will keep you safe forever.

Asuna: Oh and I'm sorry for not being at school today. I'm sure that worried you.

Kirito: You did get me worried, but I forgive you since I know you're safe.

We both smiled, but I sat up.

Asuna: Ok...I need the school work you did today.

Kirito: I'll help you.

Asuna: Kirito.

Kirito: What I can't help me girlfriend?

I don't know what got over me, but I was just so happy that I jumped in his arms. I heard a small "oof!", but I knew he was ok. Two arms wrapped around me and that made me remember something.

Asuna: ~ To give me all your love is all I ever asked.~

Kirito: Hm?

I got out of his arms and stood up.

Asuna: Never mind. Come on I need to do my school work.

Kirito: Ok....well first-

As he explained all the homework and regular work to me I got out all my stuff that were needed. I did let him help me too. It all took an hour which made us both sleepy. 

Kirito: *yawn* Ok...I'm tired. 

Asuna: Me too..

I stretched and brought Kirito into bed with me. That night was the most loveable, comfortable, comforted, happy night I have ever fell asleep in. Right before I went to sleep, I turned off all the lights and snuggled close to Kirito's bare chest.

Asuna: I love you, Kirito.

Kirito: I love you too, Asuna.

With that we fell asleep.

Love Isn't Just A Game(Asuna x Kirito)Where stories live. Discover now