The hostage situation

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The sound of a gunshot echoes through the air, drawing the attention of the crowd.There stood the two most infamous female clowns in Gotham: Harley Quinn and Velvet Diamond, their respective plant loving girlfriends by their sides.

"Hiya folks! Miss us?" The purple and blue clad woman laughs.

"Hiya Mistah J! I hope the littl' birdy didn't hurt ya to bad." Harley exclaims, waving to the camera, an arm slung around her niece.

Poison Ivy's eyes scan the panicking tsunami of people ."What a beautiful crowd. Oh how I'd love to see you all bloom."

"Can't we just shoot 'em all?" Velvet Diamond complains, looking towards her aunt.

"Tsk,tsk. Not yet child. The whole point of a hostage situation is to have alive hostages, " announces a female figure leaning against the back of the stage in the shadows. Slowly, she moves into the light , a dangerous look in her eyes and a smirk on her face. "I mean, we do want to have fun, right?"

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