The key

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Ashley's p.o.v:

Of course Nightshade lets me back in control after I get sent to Arkham. Typical.

The guards sit me down in front of the " psychiatrist". It was quite apparent that this girl was dumb...I highly doubt she even had a sixth grade education. She probably bought her way here.

"Ok so lets talk about your psychopathic tendencies."

I let out an impatient sigh. " schizophrenia."


"I don't just have 'psychopathic tendencies' I have schizophrenia. That's s c h i z o p h r e n i a. Why don't you back to college, or better yet, middle school, cause sweetie, you definitely need it. I mean, come on. English isn't my first language, and yet I can spell schizophrenia whilst you don't even know what it is. I feel really embarrassed for you." I sass in a mock sympathetic voice. I mean seriously , what type of psychiatrist can't identify schizophrenia?

"Guards, take Ms.Wayne to electroshock therapy."

"Wait, wait, I'm sorry!" I call out as the guards start dragging me backwards.

"You are?" Ahh yes sweetie. Bring your dumb pink and black hair close enough for me to rip it out of your dumb head.

"Yeah...*head buts her in the chest* I'm sorry you're so dumb." Curse my height! I think I just gave myself whiplash. My body twisted and struggled against the guards as they try to get me in that stupid chair.

~Time skip~
I sit on my bed laughing slightly, my back facing the security cameras. Carefully , I remove the key from my mouth and slide it under my pillow.

Flashback; in slow motion:

Ashley head butted the psychiatrist, her hands carefully removing a key and shoving it in her mouth before the guards drag her backwards.

Flashback ends:

Well, I've got to keep up appearances I suppose. I'll just sit here...mocking the Joker till dinner I guess. Not that I'll eat dinner anyways. The food here is the main reason I've got an eating disorder. The other reason is that I'm an Al'Ghul and a Wayne. Neither family does:
~Social interactions

I'm a Wayne,and we don't sleep. Instead we do an unhealthy amount of brooding hours. We're the basic definition of minor gods.

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