Untitled Part 18

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My eyes remained glued to my shocked brothers and boyfriend. Damian's face seemed calm, but I could see the shock and anger in his eyes. Jason didn't even try to hide the angry expression on his face. Tim looked ready to kill...and Dick? Well, he looked like he was going into shock.

"Sister, what Father said will not stand." Oh Zeus...what did I just do?

"No it's fine. I don't want to wreck your relationship. It is important to have a bond with your dad." Oh sure... now I feel sheepish.

"But this is bullshit! Everyone makes mistakes. Doesn't mean he should kick you out." Jason retorts and my posture slouches more. Why does this type of stuff happen to me? I mean ...come on...even hell rejected me.

"I-it does sort of make sense. I am the wild card." Jason's jaw drops at this.

"What did they do to you in Arkham? The Ashley I know wouldn't have just let Batman push her around like this." Tim's voice seemed softer than the others, but it held the same icy tone.

"They didn't do anything!" I snap, causing their eyes to widen. "S-Sorry, I'm tired ok. Can we do this tomorrow?" 

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