Memories part 1

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M'gann's eyes emitted a cold, white glow as she extended her right arm, her fist clenched. Slowly she opened her hand and the mist moved aside. It was clearer where they were now. They were on an abandoned battlefield. Dozens of dead children dressed in orange and purple t-shirts with Greek and Roman armor littered the ground amongst the trees.

Tim was the first to break the spell woven by echoey screams and the clash of weapons. "Creepy..."

Jason tossed him a look, one eyebrow raised. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock. There is a reason why she never talks about her past. And we haven't even reached her memories yet. Oh goodie."

Damian closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Todd...don't ever utter the words 'oh goodie' ever again. I truly don't know what Ashley sees in you."

"Jaybird does have a point... So M'gann, how do we access her memories?" Dick asked, acting  as if he was perfectly whelmed.

"You don't." The shadows and  mist moved to reveal Ashley, or some form of her anyways. She was kneeling down, her back facing her friends as her purple cape blew in the wind. Her long brunette hair shifted to black with purple streaks about half way down and was french braided back.  Her normal New York accent was replaced with a middle eastern one.

In one swift movement, she stood up, drawing her sword, and swiveled around. "Not without my permission. Tell me: why should I give access to something so hidden?"

Amelia stepped forwards. "Because we're only trying to help you. Memories are precious; they have value."

"Hmmm...wise words, child of Loki. Alright, I shall help you, but seeing as in I am a self defense mecognisom, I can only get you so far. This way, little bats." 'Ashley' lead them off the path and through the dead trees until she stopped in front of a tattered tan tent, before turning slightly to face the silent vigilantes. She used one hand to pull back the flap. "This is where I must take my leave. Good luck."

They all shuffled into the tent. M'gann bent down, putting both hands on the ground.

Tim's eyes narrowed. "What are you...woah!" He was cut off by a cloud of black smoke shaped as a human walked through him as though he wasn't there.

As the figure walked, she became more solid and in no time, she looked like a normal person, color and all. Just like the 'Ashley' that had left them, she wore ancient greek armor with a dark purple cape. Her right inner forearm was unlike the way it normally appeared. It was covered in thin white scars, all one millimeter apart and running from one end of her forearm till the other, obviously self inflicted and well organized.

On top of the thin scars was a tattoo none of her brothers had seen before. In a neat row, the letters SPQR. Above that, a cross with a semi circle lay proudly for all to see. In the center of the semi circle, was a single black dot.

 In the center of the semi circle, was a single black dot

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"Have you any news on their location?"

Tim leapt out of the way as another figure joined Ashley. "Ha, didn't get me that time!"

The other person had the same tattoo, except he had a rainbow instead. Underneath SPQR, he had three lines. His hair was dyed a light turquoise and his eyes seemed to be constantly shifting between the colors of the rainbow. He too wore armor. His was Roman.

"I'm afraid not. Percy and Annabeth are still *gulp* in Tartarus. The child of Hades shall meet them at the doors of death."

Just like when 'Rachel' has recited the prophecies, a small window showed previous memories, these ones without sound. An eight year old in an assassin uniform yielding a sword almost as big as her barely dodges out of the way of a monster, a river of lava providing the only light. Then it was gone.

Ashley let out a "Hmm." Turning her head slightly, but still not facing the demigod or her family, she spoke once more. "And our enemies? When are they expected to arrive?"

"Tomorrow morning."

Ashley sighed. "σκατά." (pronounced Skatá; means shit.)

"So as long as we are in Ashley's mind, we can understand ancient greek? Cool!" At Tim's comment, the scene before them disappeared into another cloud of black smoke before solidifying.

"This must be the war," Damian relizes. Now they stood on a hill surrounded by a hundred demigods they most likely couldn't name. Standing across from them was a army of monsters.

Ashley clenched her fists before storming towards a blonde kid. He let out a loud protest as she started to drag him back towards the demigods.

"Ummm...What is she doing?" Dick's question was answered shortly. Ashley pulled Leo out of the cannon before shoving the blonde kid in his place. She placed one hand on either side of the cannon and forced it to turn, pointing it at Gaia. Before the kid could climb out 'boom'.

"Oh dear, is he dead?" Amelia sarcastically asked. The scene changed again.

This time they were back around the camp fire. Ashley stood by herself, her hands in her hoodie with a sad smile on her face as she watched Percy and Annabeth dance.

"She doesn't know, does she?" Ashley turned to see Piper.

"Know what?"

"Oh, come on Ashley, don't play dumb. You love her."

Tim shifted uncomfortably. "This seems kind of personal. Should we really be seeing this?"

"Shut up Timbo, this just got good!" Dick scowled playfully.

"She's my best friend, of course I love her."

Piper rolled her eyes. "That's not what I meant and you know it. You should tell her."

Ashley turned sharply to face her friend. "And what should I say? 'Oh hey, Annabeth, you know how I set you and Percy up? I did it because I love you and didn't want to admit it.' Yeah, that'll go well."

Everyone winced. Amelia was the first to speak. "Yeah, maybe don't phrase it like that Ghost Queen."

Dick nodded. "Yeah. She doesn't seemed whelmed at the moment."

Jason snorted. "Not even close." The scene changed again and Amelia blushed. This time the scene was her and Ashley. Ashley was shirtless except for a sport bra. She was staring out of a huge window at the city skyline.

"So, any news on this Damian kid?"

"He's my brother, and she couldn't even bother to tell me until she was dying, but that's my Mother for you."

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