I'm offically Bucky Barnes

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It's been a month since I ran into Dick and Wally. My memories about them have been reappearing in my dreams. I have managed to stay dry this past rainy month by creating a shelter of sheet metal and a glue gun. It was pretty sturdy seeing as I built it on top of someone's roof since their roof is flat. When the rain and the cold gets really bad, I move into their vents. Really, they should be thanking me. I killed all their rats.

Sometimes when they're not home I borrow some food and use their bathroom. But what has helped me the most other the corse of this month are the dead. They've helped me gain my memories back faster. They've given me survival tips and advice. But this is diverting me from the story so let's talk about this later.

It is official: I am this Universe's version of Bucky Barnes. I'm just sort of living his life in reverse. I grew up as a part of the League of Assassins, an organization based on the (as my grandfather would call it) pure idea of genocide. Preferably in the mass category. Hydra was founded to achieve world domination, which sure as hell concludes genocide.

When I escaped, I met Annabeth. She's the closest thing I have to a Steve. She may not have a shield that is red, white, and blue and she may not have the solider serum flowing threw her veins, but she is a good strategist. And she was the first friend I had that wasn't a mass murder. She managed to get me to trust people. Granted, that ended up with Luke trying to kill me... So maybe that wasn't a good thing. And yes, I remember her.

Next is my hairstyle. My choppy auburn hair makes me look more like the infamous Winter Solider. That's just a fact.

Number four: I'm genetically enhanced. What? You didn't think Mother would let a regular person lead the League, did you? I'm faster. I'm stronger. I'm more agile. The only negative side effect is the fact that I'm bipolar. Bipolar disorder is hereditary and it isn't from either side of the family so this is the most logical option.

Number five: memory loss. Do I really have to explain this? Yes? Uggg Fine. To all you people who aren't Marvel fans, Bucky Barnes was the best friend of Captain America before he was captured and brainwashed during World War Two. When they brain washed him, they also erased his mind.

My memories are slowly coming back, but to make more progress, I need my old friends. But that can wait till tomorrow. Now, I sleep.

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