On the road again

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"And you expect me to believe that the apocalypse is going to happen?" Bruce's cold eyes glared down at me.

"Oh, by all means, if you have any complaints you can take them to the gods. I'd love to see that conversation." I reply with a smirk as I walk out the door, going to grab my stuff.

"You're leaving?" Jason's voice called out from behind me.

"I'm afraid I don't have a choice. I've already pissed the gods enough." I huff as I sift through my duffel bag. Ok, several shirts, pants...

"Let me come with you." Jason's face buried into my hair, his arms wrapped around my hips.

"Jaybird, I...I think we should take a break."

"What? Is this about Bruce again?" I shake my head in a 'no' motion.

"It's not. Well...maybe a little bit." I turn so I'm facing him. " Jaybird, I'm a hazard. Sooner or later, you will get hurt. I'd rather hurt you emotionally than physically." His expression softens   and he places his hands on my cheeks.

"I can protect my self. You won't hurt me. I love you."

"I'm sorry Jaybird. I just... need some time." I zip up my bag and shadow travel to the garage. I've already discussed my vision with Damian and all my other demigod friends. The likelihood of me surviving...it wasn't high. I died in Jason's arms once. It won't happen again. We're going to head to Camp Half Blood to see if their is a prophecy. Then Amelia and I were off on a quest I suppose. The rest can't. They're all either busy with school or other quests.

"Ok, let's go."

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