Untitled Part 19

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Damian's p.o.v:

I can't believe Father could be so cruel. For once, I agree with Todd.  This is bullshit. On a side note, I think Grayson is going into toxic shock.

"What Bruce did was so not asterous. " Wow, he can speak. That's surprising. 

"Father will pay for his insolence." I declare as I try to march off. Key word being try. "Unhand me Drake." 

  "Hold  on, don't you want to know why Ashley's acting weird?" I narrowed my glare at this. Who does Drake think he is?

"There is nothing wrong with my sister."

"I-I don't know, Damian. She has been acting ...jumpy  lately." My glare was now directed at  a nervous Grayson.

"And if there is something wrong, it's our job to find out what." Seriously Todd? I am considering renouncing my approval of you dating my sister. 

">tt< If you insist. But there's nothing wrong with her." I sigh.

"Ok, so Ashley flipped out when I mentioned Arkham, so I'm going to hack into their security camera footage." Drake being nerdy is inevitable I suppose. "Ooookkaaayyy, Done! Now if we go back a couple of weeks...Oh my god." 

How...how dare they! I know I promised Father that I wouldn't kill anyone...but what Father doesn't know won't hurt him. 

"Hey, what in the name of Hades are you guys watching?" Ashley's voice echos from somewhere down the hall.

"Nothing of importance." I call out. I'll be talking to Father.

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