Who are these kids?

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Ah Valentine's day. Even though I still remember next to nothing, I know that it's a day to wallow in self pity. I wonder if I have someone out there who cares about me in that way. But judging from the fact that I woke up in a hospital all alone, I highly doubt it.

I do remember some stuff now. No names or personalities, but faces is a start. The voice has kept me alive even though I feel like I can't trust it. I can remember feelings and people to avoid. I look at the rain covered canvas outside the cafe window and sigh. I get up and pay my bill with the cash I stole and move to go outside.

"Wait Ashley?" I turn slightly to see two teen boys, one with ginger hair and green eyes, and the other with black hair and blue eyes.

"I think you got the wrong gal kid." My voice wasn't as scratchy as it was when I first woke up, but it wasn't much better. Before I could walk away, the ginger kid was grasping my bicep. What the hell? Humans normally aren't this fast...ok I'm starting to get freaked out now. "Who are you? Let go." I surprise myself by maintaining a calm voice.

"Wow harsh Ash. I know you and Bat...er Bruce didn't get along last time spoke, but that was not asterous !" My eyes widen at the word Bat and I gasp as a memory courses through me. A man in a black costume with a bat on it lunges forwards, his bo staff ready to clash with my collarbone. I hear a loud crash as reality comes back to me. Now I'm standing above a ginger and a broken table. I judo flipped him. I look at the blue eyed boy before making a break for it.

I shadow travel onto the roof, already sprinting. From below I could here the blue eyed kid calling someone and saying that they were in pursuit. I run faster before I was stopped by a yellow and red blur. Suddenly the ginger is in front of me.

"Leave me alone! I don't know you! I don't want to hurt you."

"Come on queenie, let's go back to Wayne manor."

No! "No," I reply, echoing the voice in my head.

"Hard way it is." The other kid sighs. I decide that the kid behind me is more dangerous and I literally throw him at his friend.

"When a lady says no, she means it."

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