Depressing rant

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Light footsteps enter my room and I feel Damian sit down next to me. I roll over so I'm facing him as he lies down.

">Tt< you don't have to act like you're alone all the time Ashley. I'm just like you, you know."

"No, you're not Dami. You don't understand." I silently reply.

"Then make me." Ok...but remember, you asked for this.

"Being Bipolar is sort of like having a sugar rush, but on a more extreme level. I will fell great.I'll be running around, fighting people...and other stuff. I mean, sure, I'll get pissed off easily, but it's all good. Then I do something stupid. Like... illegally enrolling in the army. Funny story actually. Ok, so me and my friend, Ian, illegally enrolled in the US army, ok? So I'm teaching him how to use a helicopter when we get accused of trying to steal it. Which is really annoying because I just turned on the engine. Sorry, I'm getting off track. That'd be the ADHD. Where was I again? Oh right. Then the depression kicks in. And suddenly, everything thing is far from alright. Also, I can barely read because of f***ing dyslexia. So that's great."

Damian's face remains passive as I rant and I sigh.

"And then there's you."


"Yes, you! You put up with so much of my bull crap but I never seem to go through yours. I was never there when you needed me most because of Mother! She didn't tell me... I didn't..."

">tt< Not everything's your fault sister. And you're here now."

"Hmm if you say so."

"What aren't you telling me?" Ah. There it is.


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