the sea of monsters *edited*

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Ashley grumbled as she opened her eyes to scan her surroundings. Due to the scorpion sting, her arm itches and the room seemed unnecessarily bright. Her eyes ended up focusing onto the scowling face of Will Solace.

"You're going to give me a heart attack one day, you know that?"

"Thanks...that was my goal."

  Ashley made sure no one was watching as she turned on the sink and flipped the golden coin. The only person she had to call were the people at camp.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering. Show me Annabeth Chase." The water from the faucet formed  a flat circle of mist that revealed Annabeth Chase who happened to be working on her homework. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her eyes were furrowed in concentration. "Oi wise girl!"

Annabeth's head shot up, a smile finding its way onto her face. "Ashley!" Then the smile was gone as soon as it came. "Wait...why are you in a jail cell?"

"Oh ummm funny story um..I sort of hallucinated a monster and stabbed someone. I mean it didn't kill them...but still," Ashley winces as she confesses."Also the psychiatrist said I'm probably bipolar. I...well I don't know. I think Luke trying to kill me with that stupid insect finally is getting to me."

"Oh Ashley...I'll try to get their as soon as possible. Where are you? What did the lawyer say?" Worry and sympathy worked its way onto the child of Athena's face.

"I'm being held at Metropolitan Correctional center. the lawyer said if I plead insanity I might only get a couple of months in juvie. So I guess I'm doing that."


Ashley's eyes lifted as a girl with black blue hair and green eyes entered the cell...if you can count being thrown as entering. Ashley sat upright, her eyes cold and analytical. Her face was calm and smooth, but the girl's eyes revealed her true emotions. Fear, confusion, and an undertone of mischief.

Her hair was French braided with several strands framing her face perfectly. And above all, her ADD was as obvious as the color of the sky. Her eyes scanned the room feverishly, jumping around and having trouble focusing on on spot. Dark circles lay underneath her green eyes, no doubt from insomnia side effects. Her fingers tapped mindlessly against her arms which were crossed. And she was in the right age range...she could easily be a demigod and wouldn't know till she has an unfortunate run in with certain death.

Ashley didn't know just how right she was. It wouldn't be till much later that she would find out that her 'friend' was a child of Loki himself.


" let me get this straight. You want me, the notorious Ashley Al'Ghul, to pretend to date you to piss off your homophobic step dad?" Amelia nods and Ashley sighs, her hands in a praying pose in front of her mouth. "Fine, but you have to buy me clothes from Hot Topic. I can't afford their stuff, and I'm to lazy to steal."

"Really? Thanks Buckster!"


Shink! The Celestial bronze sword of Ashley Al'Ghul impaled the monster standing above Percy Jackson.

"Ouch!" Was all the Monster could mutter before he burst into green flames. Ashley watched with a sad smirk as Annabeth threatened the kid who had been bullying Percy. At this point, she had come to the realization that she didn't dislike Percy Jackson...she was jealous. Of course, without the help of a certain child of Loki's, she probably would have never been able to tell the difference.

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