It's go time

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Adrenaline flows through my veins as I ducked, avoiding a sword. My sword collides with his, thrusting upwards. His body stumbles backwards and I kick him square in the chest, propelling him to the ground. I quickly advance, attacking my next opponent. Slash, block, repeat.

I duck as an arrow flies past my head. I place my hands on the ground as I roll forwards. In an instant, I'm in a kneeling position. My sword collides with the one slashing down as I stand up. The flag which I had hastily tied around my waist was starting to slip, much to my annoyance.

Come on, just a couple more feet and I'll be over the line. My team will win. My green eyes scan my surroundings at hyper speed, till my eyes land on Nico.

"Hey Death Breath, where do you think your going?" Clarisse yells. If my life was a movie, this would be the part where I glance between Ares spawn and Neeks in slow motion before throwing the flag.

"Neeks, think fast!" I throw the flag, before turning to face the angry child of Ares, the god of war. "Oh no where. It's Nico that you should be worried about." She really should've worried about Nico...because we just won!

Percy and Leo lifted Nico onto their shoulders despite his protest as my team starts to cheer. I take my place next to Leo as I reach up to ruffle Nico's hair. In response,his pale hand smacks mine away.

"Bucky!" I turn to see Mels running towards me. I was taken by surprise when her arms engulfed me in a hug.  Great...that nickname is back. I haven't been called that since 9th grade.

What? I was tall, mostly flat chested, an ex-assassin, and edgy. It doesn't help that I had short hair and had lost a bet. My friends forced me to wear Bucky Barnes' eye shadow for six months (a courtesy of Gwen). Mels wanted to unironically cut off my arm so I could become 'one with Bucky Barnes'. Her words...not mine. Where was I? Oh right.

"Nice job Buckaroo."

"You too punk." Amelia smirks before using her illusion powers to make her hair into a black and green mohawk.

"It'S nOt A pHaSe MoM!" We both start laughing as she drops the illusion.

"Ok, you two. But you should really go to listen to the prophecy. " I nodd, a serious expression settling on my face.

"Well, wish me luck Wise girl." I pat Annabeth's shoulder before I approach Rachel. "We really have gotta stop meeting like this."

"You can say that again Ash. Are you ready?"

"No, but are any of us ever really?"

"Ok." After a couple of seconds, the familiar raspy voice of the oracle took over. No matter how many times I do this, it still manages to creep me out.

"Demons fight the gods once more
Ghost queen goes to trenzalore
Mischief shall lay siege to the anter
Youths battle the levanter
The crest shall nullify or salvage
And creatures of the night shall be lavished."

Ok, I better get packing.

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