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"Wait...if I'm Bucky, who's my Steve?" Amelia thought momentarily before a lightbulb went off in her head.

"Welll...there is one way to find out." And with that, Amelia cupped both of her hands around her mouth. "Son of a "

"Language!" The scolding voice of Annabeth Chase calls out from the next room, where she was doing her homework.

"It's perfect." Both teens exclaim at once, their faces wearing matching smirks.


Ashley Al'Ghul approached her prey from behind.! Barrowling past her friend, Ashley slipped the shield right out of Annabeth's fingers.

" 'Merica, F*ck yeah!"

A certain child of Loki smirked as she pulled out her phone. "Say cheese!" She snapped the photo before examining it. This year, the group had decided to dress up as marvel characters.

Annabeth was Captain America. Ashley was Bucky Barnes [aka the Winter Soldier]. Leo had made his own Iron man costume that actually could fly and shoot people. Thalia was Hawkeye. Rachel was Black Widow. Jason [Grace, not Todd] was Thor. Percy was Namor [basically the marvel version of Aquaman.] And, of course, Amelia was Loki.

The child of Loki saunters over to Ashley. "Sooo...anything on this Damian Wayne?"

Ashley nods slowly. "Get this...Bruce Wayne has a long lost son. And turns out I'm related to him."

"So, what are you going to do?"

Ashley shrugs in response. "Something over dramatic probably."


Ashley Al'Ghul stood on a hill overlooking Gotham city, her brown hair blowing in the wind. She bent down and tightened the strap that held a knife to her leg, then climbed up a tree. Ashley tied herself to a branch, and took an apple out of her bag.

Ashley had never imagined herself going to a brother who doesn't even know she exists for help. Well, half brother.  But desperate times call for desperate actions.

Ever since her Mom's death, Ashley had seemed to climb to the top of the league of assassins most wanted list.

Tomorrow she will be in Gotham city. Look out Gotham.

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