Dinosaur Fossils, Assassins, and Lava, oh my!

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And just like that they were back on the trail, surrounded by a heavy fog and dead trees. M'gann finally stood up, stumbling slightly. Amelia lunged forwards to catch her.

"You know...I was just beginning to miss the looming trees and the ominous fog. Thanks for bringing it back," Tim sarcastically stated. Dick joined in.

"Oh look, the mysterious stuff running past us is back too!Yay."

Amelia, Tim, and Damian -- all being victims of Ashley's ability to drag people into fandoms --narrowed their eyes at the figure. It looked oddly familiar.

"Is that..." Amelia started.

"I think it is," confirmed Damian.

"Captain Levi?" Tim tried and the figure stopped moving. It had one sword in each hand and was wearing a cape with one blue and white wing on it. It turned its head slightly and narrowed its eyes. Okay...not Captain Levi. It swiveled around completely and sheathed it's swords.

"Tsk. Don't look at me like that. I'm just a mental guide. You guys are the ones who imagined me to be 'humanity's strongest.' Not that I disagree, of course." Ashley jerked her head to try to get her black bangs out of her eyes. "Are you going to follow me or what?"

M'gann started to walk after the mental guide. The terrain slowly changed until they were standing in front of an empty museum.

"Good luck in there asshats." And with that, the mental guide disappeared into the shadows.

Amelia opened the museum doors and waltzed inside, turning around half way through so that she was walking backwards before turning to face the front again. The image around them solidified and a much younger Ashley Al'Ghul was seen being pushed into the ground.

Damian stepped forwards to sucker punch the figures standing above his sister only to be stopped by Jason placing a hand on his chest. "How dare those incompetent..."

Jason managed to say something between his gritted teeth. "It's just a memory. Watch."

Damian scowled as the figures solidified and gained color. Ashley looked younger than any of them had seen her, even Amelia. Tim narrowed his eyes. She looks familiar...and not just because I know her.

Tim was shaken from his thoughts by the figures cruel laughs. The two figures were both girls, with painfully straight, bleach blonde hair.

"Remember Assley Al'Ghul," began one of the girls, as if she had just come up with the best insult ever, "there is a reason why everyone hates you. You're nothing more than trash. You may pollute our streets like the filth you are, but trash washes away, do watch out."

Tim glanced behind Ashley as she pushed herself off the floor. Is that dinosaur fossil's tail moving?

He was answered by an angry roar and the screams of the girls as the T-Rex stepped towards them. Ashley turned and ran further into the museum as the memory faded.

Amelia was on the floor in laughter. "Oh gods, that was absolutely brilliant!" Jason helped her up through his own fit of laughter.

The memory came into view and everyone stiffened up. It was clear where they were: the league of assassins. Ashley never talked about the first eleven years of her life, and there was a reason for that.

Ashley was eleven in the memory. Her brunette hair was French braided back and a duffle bag nearly the size of her body was slung over one shoulder as she scrambled up the hill, using pine tree roots to pull herself up. The shadows seemed to swallow her whole before she appeared on a big branch.

Talia Al'Ghul's cold analytical eyes scanned the area. "Leave the traitor be. She won't survive the night."

Damian winced. He knew just how cold their Mother could be, but he'd never imagined that he was her favorite.

The memory started to a change before the landscape of the mind drastically changed. Lava.

And with that, all seven people woke up screaming.

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