Clearing up the dates

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This is not a chapter, I am just clearing up ages of the characters and important dates because I got it really messed up.

Ashley was born in the year 2000 on January 14th. The internet says Damian Wayne was born in December of 2006, but in my storyline he is born in 2005. Meaning Damian would currently be around 14.

Ashley ran away from the League of Assassins in the first week of January of 2011. Seeing as in the League is located somewhere in the caribbean sea, and she didn't know she had powers at the time, it took her around eight hours to reach land. In this case the land in question was Florida since it was the closest state. In Florida, Ashley wandered around for a bit with a car she stole, because face it, she doesn't care about laws.

After she encountered her first greek monster, Ashley managed to find her way to Camp Half Blood. There she befriended Annabeth and Luke. Ashley hacked the government so she could legally exist [since the best assassins can't be tracked, duh] and enrolled herself into school for the 2011- 2012 school year.

In 2012, Ashley, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover went on their first quest. Percy and Annabeth were around the same age as her. For the purpose of the story, Percy is around a year older than the two girls.

I am having the 2nd war [the one against Gaia] end during early June of 2016. Ashley didn't meet Damian until school was in session.

One more thing: I completely forgot that in the first book I wrote that Nico didn't appear to know Ashley. I started the first book in 2016, sorry I forgot that detail. Just pretend they didn't know each other well.

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