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Third person:

"Father, we need to talk." Damian announced.

"Damian, what's this about?"

"Don't play dumb Bruce." Jason scowls as he approaches Bruce from the other side. Tim and Dick stood behind him, blocking his exit.

"Yeah, you know what this is about. You saw the footage too, didn't you?" Tim asks.

"Yes. So you know why she needs to go." Bruce replies as he turns around.

" No, really we don't. Plus, what you're doing is totally not whelming." Dick speaks up.

"So explain." Jason finishes.

"She's dangerous, can't you see that? She'll hurt someone and I'll be damned if it's one of you."

"If you were to actually help Ashley, and I don't mean that Arkham bull crap, it wouldn't be a problem!" Jason snaps.

Ashley's form stepped out of the shadows. "Is everything alright? I heard yelling..."

"No...Bruce is being a f*cking asshole!" Jason snaps and Ashley rolls her eyes.

"When isn't he? He's our version of Frank Gallagher. Except Bruce is sober...I think." Ashley replies with a shrug.

">Tt< Once again, no one knows what you're talking about."

"My point is...Bruce is an asshole. It's just who he is. You can't change that. Damian, you know as well as I that Bruce speaking assholian is a universal thing." 

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