The battle of the labyrinth

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"I put off coming to Camp for two weeks so that I can go to a pride parade with my girlfriend, and you're telling me that Percy, Annabeth, and Grover have gone on a quest...without me? Di immortals!"

At this point in Ashley's life, she was around 5'4, and had begun to pail vastly. Her hair was in your typical 'emo' cut that stopped just past her collarbone. It had been dyed black with streaks of purple. That's right. The 'emo' phase has arrived. And it would not have been possible without her on-off girlfriend, Amelia 'Mels' Page, later on known as Amelia 'Mels' Laufeyson.

If this conversation was happening at any other time, Clarisse would have made a snarky comment and laughed at the teen, but her next words were bitter. After all, how could she joke while Chris was falling into a casym of madness. " Now you know how the rest of us feel." And with that, she sauntered out of the room.


"So, are you going after them?" Ah, back at it with the questions. The first time Ashley had iris messaged Amelia, the young child of Loki had asked so many questions about how the magic behind the message worked that poor Ashley had run out of drachmas to keep the call open. Honestly, how it took them so long to find out about Amelia's true father is beyond me.

"I don't know. Chiron's forbade me, but that's never stopped me before. In fact, that usually encourages me. But for once, I might listen. The prophecy talked of a 'ghost king'. My Dad used to go by that.  Plus, I mean, if I were to get lost in the would be a disaster."

Amelia scoffed at Ashley, who had started going by Ash or Red, depending on your relations to the teen. "Red, you're always a bisexual disaster. Now go find those friends of yours!"


"Ashley, what are you doing here?" Annabeth's face contorted with confusion as the familiar ex-assassin sauntered up to the trio.

"Ashley what are you doing here? Do I get a thank you? No! And I go by Ash or Red now." The girl's voice was taunting as per usual. "What are you doing here with the boy from the casino? Where's Percy?"

"I can speak for myself you know." Both girls ignored the teen and continued,

"P-Percy's dead." 

"No he's not...I would have felt it. He's very far away. The genius got lost."


  Ash sighed as Rachel and Annabeth insulted each other. Was she this bad with Percy on their first quest? Oh gods, she hoped not. 

"Girls, you're both pretty and badass. Come on, we've got to focus."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    Ash let out a sigh as Percy challenged the son of the earth and Poseidon. "Percy, don't be an idiot!" Sighing, she turned her attention to Luke. The kind boy who had taught her to be patient when it came to the gods was long gone. In his place sat a cruel apparition. She missed him. 

As Percy glanced at her and Annabeth, the ex-assassin gestered up. The guard had a hand over her mouth. Well, not for long anyways. The girl bit down, hard. With a yowl from her captor, Ash wiggled out of it's grasp and turned, impaling her sword in the unsuspecting victim. "Percy, climb!"

"What are you guys doing, restrain her!" Try as they might, they all failed, one by one. The ex-assassin most certainly was not out of practice. Her sword movements made it look like she was dancing through the crowd.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Ash stayed incredibly still. Infact, she dared not move. All she could do is stare into Kronus's eyes and ignore the fact that they had used to be Luke's blue ones. 

"Oh, I see why Luke liked you. You're feisty." That was something Ash Al'Ghul would never unhear. 

"Am I? I hadn't noticed. Now how about you tell me what you did to Luke?" Her words were sickenly sweet, like honey. It was an easy mistake to say that she was flirting. 

"Luke has committed sacrifice for my cause. He may have feared the son of Poseidon, but I do not."

"What about me? Did he fear lil old me? Because he should have." And with that, she dropped to the floor and swept the leg. Luke was bullet proof now. A sword would do nothing till she found his weak spot. The girl turned to run, but time itself seemed to slow as she sprinted towards the door.  

"Where do you think you're... ow!" A plastic blue hairbrush hit 'Luke' right in the eye and time sped back to normal.


Ash sighed. She knew their forces wouldn't be enough. Closing her eyes, she summoned an army of skeletons from the shadows. 

"Take no prisoners." Ash stumbled slightly and the grass around her died. She could tell Nico was in similar condition. Ash made her way to him, slashing her way through the crowd. "Ambrosia?"


A/n: So I just finished watching Good Omens...and I was wondering if I should write a fanfic. And if I do should it be:

A)an ineffable husbands fic (Crowley x Aziraphale fic) or 

B) have the characters react to the show

Thanks! Happy Pride!

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