Ra's Al Ghul And Kathy

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The only thing keeping all hell from breaking loose was the magical barrier around camp. And trust me, it wasn't much. There were still secret passages. Little nooks and crannies that are penetrable. And now that there is an army of demons banging on our walls, I'm sure that they'll find them. Then we fight.

The children of Apollo and the hunters of Artemis take turns patrolling the border. The children of Demeter are watching the forest. The children of Hecate and Hepatitis are working together to supply us with magical weapons and traps. And me? I'm consulting Grandfather. I stand as tall and firm as I can, trying to remember that there is an invisible wall between us.

"You have grown a lot, Ashleen ." Oof. I hate it when people call me that.

"Yes, I have grown enough to defeat you, what's your point?" Sometimes I hate being a Slytherin. The sass is strong within us snakes.

" Are you so sure?"

"Ye-hold up, is that Kathy McDowell? I will beat you to a pulp you b*tch!"

"Ha! I doubt that.I'm a child of Nemesis." Ah, that explains so much.

"And I'm an ex assassin."

"Ashley, Don't talk to the lower class."

"Sorry grandfather."

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