Who needs permission? Not me!

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"What do you mean I can't go on the quest?" I swear to Hades, destiny can be more Bipolar than I am.

"We need to gather more information before you can head out!" What's with centaurs and there preparation? It doesn't matter how much you train to protect yourself if you freeze. I never freeze...I simply can't. It always caused punishment with the League of Assassins . Plus my ADHD makes it physically impossible to stay still. "Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." Just because I understood what he said doesn't mean I'll listen. I take a seat next to Mels, who was sitting across from Nico and Will. "Are you ready?"

"You know it. Let's show the enemy why your nickname is Red." Mels replies, a smirk on her face.

" *hufs* Oh , I knew this would happen. Do you guys have enough ambrosia and nectar?" And there goes Will 'mother hen' Solace.

"Yes. Don't worry sunshine, we'll be fine."

"Don't die smart asses." Nico speaks up.

"I make no promises, Death Breath," I snark. Oh those monsters won't know what hit them. I already started to figure out the prophecy and everything! All except for the first two lines..I have no clue what those mean.

Mischief shall lay siege to the anter: Mischief is obviously referring to Loki or one of his kids. Siege means that said 'mischief' will surround the opposition. And anter means front so I guess we'll be where the action is.

Youths battle the levanter : Youths must be referring to my group of demigods. Levanter is another word for the East Wind, more specifically in the mediterranean. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that.

Ok, so what if that's all I got? It's a start, ok! I'd like you try to do better.

So here's the plan: With the trusty assistance of Annabeth's invisibility cap that she was lending me, I will sneak into the woods with Mels. I have been forbidden to leave, while Mels was not. Next we board the Argo 2 and head towards the last known location of the 'East Wind'. Leo, of course, was coming too because he could never let his flying ship be alone with me.

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