Where's Percy part 2

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A/n: Waring: This chapter will show small flashes of Ashley's depression. You've been warned.

Ashley walked alone down the vast hall towards the gods' throne room. Pearly white columns lined both sides of the hallway. It seemed as if the ceiling extended upwards for an eternity.

Finally Ashley reached her destination. Standing in the center of the room was Hera in all her glory.

"Ashley, you need to stop." The brunette tilted her head to the right slightly at the goddesses request.

"Stop what Hera?"

"Stop searching for Percy Jackson." Ashley, as you can imagine, did not take to this request lightly. She had searched every state in the US so far and she was so close. She could feel it. And now Ashley knew she was close. And she didn't plan to stop.

"Is that a threat Hera?" Ashley's green eyes darkened and her voice dropped an octave automatically. "What if I don't stop, hmm? Remember, I got the god of War to forfeit when I was twelve. What can you do to me? Make it so my marriage goes to shit? Stop me from having kids?"


Ashley let out an animalistic screech as she chunked an empty beer bottle across the empty nightclub. She was pissed. Pissed at Hera. Pissed at the Fates. Pissed at the league of Assassins. Pissed at Percy for causing Annabeth so much stress. Pissed at herself for challenging a goddess. It was only a matter of time before her words bite her in the ass...so to speak.

An angry Al'Ghul was not something most people...well let's face it, most things want to to deal with. Broken glass shattered the club from various bottles of alcohol. Beers. Wines. Vodkas. But what was more worrying than the glass was the blood. yes, some of it was Ashley's. It was unclear if all of it was hers or not.

The club owner, the devil himself, didn't want to get near the girl till she calmed down. Maze was doing...Maze things. And finally Ashley did what had been a long time coming...she collapsed. And I don't mean she passed out.

There she lay, her body beginning to shake, her eyes unblinking as she lay in a puddle of blood and glass. She had run out of antidepressants a while ago, and was practically out of money. Ashley had spent at least a month, perhaps two visiting every state in the United States searching for Percy. There wasn't a single major town Ashley had yet to visit.

All she had in her system currently was Alcohol and some cocktail cherries. The height of her mood swings had reached its end.

Lucifer had initially thought that Ashley was dead when he walked into the club. The blood that stained the floor was mostly dried. The glass on the floor had remained untouched. As for Ashley, she was splayed out on the floor, unmoving. Eyes wide open and slightly glazed over.

Lucifer cautiously bent down by her battered figure and placed a hand on her shoulder. Ashley shifted slightly to get a better look.


Lucifer nervously glanced between the demigod and Azrael's blade. In human hands, it spread death like a plague. It amplified anger and irritation, and oh boy, did Ashley have loads of it.

Ashley let out an insane laugh and walked towards Lucifer slowly. "What's wrong Luci, scared I'm going to stab you?" Ashley lunged forwards like she was fencing, blade first. Lucifer lept backwards.

"Now, darling, don't do anything hasty." The blade of Azrael didn't just kill you...it wiped your very essence from existence.  Now, imagine how dangerous it is in the hands of a suicidal, already mentally unstable teen? The answer is this: very.

Ashley was no longer interested in seeing what happens to an archangel when wiped out of existence. She was more focused on herself.

Would it hurt? Or would she feel nothing at all? The blade inched closer to her body. Would anyone even miss her? Would Annabeth even search for her? After all, Percy always came first. 

Ashley let out a small gasp as the blade ran across her skin,  much to Lucifer's alarm. A dark red dripped down her ghostly pale arm and dripped onto the floor. A small smile formed on her face as she watched curiously. It tickled. Lucifer took the time to slip the blade out of Ashley's fingers.


The two young campers glanced nervously at each other before approaching the infamous Ashley Al'Ghul. They had never formally met her, but they knew her by reputation. How she had saved the world with Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. How she had the mind of Tony Stark but the temper of Daryl Dixon. How she could suupposivily rival the Winter Solider himself. The list goes on and on.

"Um... we've got something to tell you?"

Ashley turned around. "What is it? And where are Percy and Annabeth?" The two kids tensed and glanced at each others.

"That's what we wanted to tell you. They...Umm fellintoTartarus." Ashley's eyes darkened and she snapped into a formal military stature. Shoulders back, chin up high.

"What are you waiting for? We've got a war to win."

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