Chapter 1-Averly Lara Irwin

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"Ava! Wake up now!" I hear Ashton shout as he runs upstairs. (His long, big feet stomping.) Suddenly my bedroom door slams open and my 6 foot, teddy bear of a brother walks over to my bed, curly, caramel hair bouncing.

As he approaches me I pull the covers over my head to hide. "Averly Lara Irwin..." Ash says annoyed, I can hear it in his voice. He only says my full name when he's annoyed at me.

"What?" I croak, my voice muffled under the covers.

"Wake up!" As he shouts at me, he pulled the covers off me and I pull the Rammones t-shirt, that I 'borrowed' from Ashton, over my knees to cover my PJ shorts.

"Why are you so tired?" He questions.

"Oh I don't know.. maybe a certain person was playing drums till 3am!!" I reply glaring at him, beginning to get frustrated. He blushes.

"Was it another love song for my best friend Red?" I chuckle now sitting up. Ash's cheeks turn a dark pink.

"Maybe..." He replies sitting down on my bed but then jumping up. "But get ready for school so I can drop you off, Mum and dad told me to before the left earlier this morning."

"What! They've already left?!" I almost shout. Ash nods. He then leaves my room. I wash my face, brush my curly light lilac hair and put mascara on to make my blue eyes pop. I look at my roots, remembering I need to redo them as the blonde is starting to show through.

My parents didn't agree me dyeing my hair, neither did school. But Ash did it in the holidays and once I got back to school, I was suspended. My parents were mad but care about my education so they told the school that I was sorry but wouldn't dye my hair back. But for the record, I wasn't sorry.

I may only be 15 and be in my Senior year of high school, but my 18 year old brother looks nothing like me. That's probably because of the hair though.

It's nearly the holidays, thank the Lord. We may go to New Zealand which I'm pretty happy about. It's funny, going there makes our Aussie accents sound strong compared to the New Zealand accent.

"Hurry up or you'll miss Mathew!" Ash shouts up the stairs, then I hear him laugh uncontrolably.

"Shit..." I mutter under my breath.

I run to my warbrobe an get into my white yolo t-shirt, ripped black skinny jeans and mint coloured beanie. I choose my vans and pick up my pleather jacket just in case it rains as the sky doesn't look promising.

I can't wait to see Mathew, my boyfriend. Today is our 4 month anniversary, so we're going to the local diner for dinner later this evening and I'm getting ready with the help of my friends, Red and Emily. As I run down the hallway, Ash opens the door and grabs the keys.

Just another ordinary day at school.

Or so I thought...

Ok, short chapter but the next will be longer!!


My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now