Chapter 17-Dates and Facebook Profiles

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In the start, Emily's writing in italic and Calum is in bold. You'll understand later.


I suggested playing 20 questions while Cal drove us to the cinema in town and he agreed so I started.


"25th of January 1996. You?"

"In 1 week! Ok, any siblings?"

"I have one sister called Mali-Koa-Hood."

"One younger brother Owen. Annoying as hell..." I muttered the last part but Calum still heard me because he chuckled a bit.

"Any pets?''


I turn to face him. "Not even cat?''

He shakes his head making me turn back wide eyed.

"You weren't privileged as a child..." I reply. He chuckles and once again shakes his head.

"What's your pet?"

"I have a black cat called Betty." I answer him quite pleased with myself.

"Ok, let me ask couple. Hobbies?"

"play piano, read, listen to All Time Low, Nirvana and write." God, saying my hobbies out loud sounded boring. "Oh, Red, Ava and volunteer at a hospital and all work at that hall for people to rent and play gigs at. think it's called... Rose Bush Gardens." Now he won't think I'm as boring, I'm not exactly athletic. Except us three go to the gym.

"That's really great that you volunteer." Calum says.



When we get to the movies, the line for Toy Story was full of 3-7 year olds but hey, You Only Live Once right? I bought tickets while Cal went off to get food and came back with a jumbo popcorn, Tangfastics and two slushies.

"Christ, did you bring enough to feed the bloody Queen and Prime minister having a dinner party?" I ask. A few parents around cup their hands over their children's ears and gasp. "Shit, I'm sorry, let's go in the theatre now..." I tell Cal and hand the guy our tickets who takes a quick look at them before ripping the end off and he hands them back.  I mutter a quick 'thanks' while entering the theatre and finding us a seat. Almost as soon as we sit down, the adverts start.

Is it just me, or do you end up eating all of your food in the adverts but have nothing left for the movie?


My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now