Chapter 44-Grandparents

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I had no internet and couldn't save it then so this is a long chapter.


I take my joggers and T-shirt off and get into bed, just in my boxers. Ava takes her onezie and slippers off to reveal a pair of black PJ shorts with white stars and a tight fitted turquoise T-shirt.

"My god your hot." I tell Ava as she climbs into bed next to me.

"Wish I could say the same to you." Ava smirks.

"Right, that's cost ya." I say before tickling her sides and stomach.

"Aaahhh!!!" she screeches.

"Shut up!" we hear Ash and Red complain from next door.

"Night Ava, love you." I smile and drape my arm over her waist.

"Night *HIC* Luke *HIC* Love *HIC* you too *HIC*" Ava hiccups.

"Why are you hiccuping?" I ask.

"You *HIC* tickled *HIC* me! *HIC*" Ava protests. Ava holds her breath and after a while she begins breathing again.

"I'm better now, thanks for your concern." Ava replies.

"Have you seen my mum recently?" I wonder.

"Yeah, while you were away, I saw her twice. She said she was on my side with the Selena thing." I say.

"Night." we say in unison and drift off to sleep.


I wake up to a sleeping Ava. I decide to leave her and I put my joggers and T-shirt back on. Quietly. I make my way downstairs and see Ash and Red talking in the kitchen.

"Morning." I sleepily smile.

"What's the time?" I ask.

"9:57" Red tells me.

"Ok, Ashley was gonna Skype at 10." I say.

Then Ava's phone rings on the table. Ash pucks it up and looks at it.

"What the hell do you want?" Ash asks abruptly.

"You know, you're a real dick. Where's Ava?" Ashley snaps. I take the phone from Ash.

"Hi Ashley." I smile.

"Sup, Lucas. Where's Averly?" Ashley asks.

"I'll take you." I say and walk upstairs. I open the door and show her Ava.

"Ok, AVA!! WAKE YOUR LAZY ASS UP!!" Ashley screeches.

Ava doesn't even stir. "Oh, sorry. I'll put it on speaker." I mutter and press speaker.

"WAKE UP YOU SLAG!" Ashley shouts.

Ava sits up straight. Her hair across her face and she breaths heavily. "What is wrong with you people?" Ava asks and pushes her hair back out her face.

"Ah, Snotface." Ashley smirks.

"Ah, Yoda." Ava stretches.

"Why Yod-"

"Ley, Laya, Princess Laya, Yoda." Ava cuts me off.

"Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?" I mutter.

Ava gets out of bed and shows off her great figure.

"Great ass Snotface." Ashley smirks.

Ava walks to the bathroom but not without turning around and cheekily smacking her butt.

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now