Chapter 26-Extreme chubby bunny...

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"Hi guys! Today I'm joined with the bitch who is Tyler Oakley!" I say and introduce Tyler.

"Hi y'all, soooo great to be back in Ava's channel! That vlog the other day was so fun." Tyler says.

"I know! Now, Tyler was mean to me on his video and my boyfriend practically broke up with me. So this is payback." I tell the camera and snigger at Tyler.

"Oh dear lord..." Tyler mumbles.

"We are doing.... Extreme chubby bunny!" I tell him.

"What're the rules?" Tyler asks.

"The aim of the game is to get as many marshmallows in your mouth without spitting them out. But, once you get one in your mouth we throw each other another marshmallow in our hand, then we have to throw it in the air and catch it in our mouths. You'll get it once we start." I tell the camera.

"Shit." Tyler mutters, I laugh.

"You first." I say to Tyler. He rolls his eyes.

"Ready? Go!" I shout and zoom the camera out to show both of us far apart. I throw a marshmallow in his direction, he only just catches.

"Now throw it in the air and catch it in your mouth, you can't move it around with your fingers, only your tongue." I tell him, he rolls his eyes. He throws it up in the air but doesn't catch it.


'Tyler got 3, not helping with the amount of laughter. " I say to the camera as we sit back down.

Tyler pouts. "It's your turn now Ava." Tyler moans.

"Let's go." I order.


"How the fuck did you get 10?!" Tyler grunts.

"I played this game with my family back in Sydney. I always did pretty well." I tell him.

"Bitch." Tyler mumbles but I hear him and smile sarcastically.

"Well, that's all we've got time for today. We did a video on Tyler's channel so click him to check it out! Bye!" I say and cover the camera before pressing stop on the camera.

"Hello?" Someone shouts from downstairs as the door opens.

"Ava, Tyler?" Someone else shouts. The boys.

I run downstairs and leap onto Luke.

"Woah." Luke says as he tries to balance. I wrap my legs around his waist.

"I'm sorry baby!" I pout as he hugs me back.

"Its cool babe." he assures me.

"Wait till later! We've got news." Cal says and I jump down and we walk into the living room. Emily, Roxy, Red and Tyler join us on the various sofas.

"What's the news?" Roxy asks.

"Well, we finished our EP and its out next week." Mikey tells us and we cheer and exchange hugs.

"But that means we'll be starting the Take Me Home Tour in a month..." Ash finishes.

My whole world comes crashing down at that sentence. They'll be gone in a months time...

"For how long?" Red asks.

"4 months and then we get a 1 month break before 2 months then a 2 week break and then the last 3 months." Calum tells us.

"9 months all together..." Emily mumbles.

"That's a long time..." I reply.

"Hey, it's ok, we'll Skype every day." Luke tells me. I nod and plaster a fake smile on my face.

"Congrats guys!" Roxy swiftly says and we all hug.

Great news...

Hi guys! Sorry for such a short and suckish chapter, I really wish I could stop school and write, read, watch films and YouTube all day. The next chapter will be longer, I promise!!

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