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Hi guys!

So I JUST hit 10K!!!!

Thank you all soooooo much for the lovely comments votes and thank you for all reading my story! I never knew so many would like it.

So I asked @brytt92_ if they had any ideas for what I should do to celebrate 10k. And here is what they said.

20 facts about me!

1. I am a Virgo and my birthday is the 26th of August.

2. I love Marmite.

3. I love Christmas but hate Christmas jumpers.

4. Once, I sleep walked into my sisters room and slept in her bed. They woke me up the next morning and I forgot where I was!

5. I am really bad at replying to people when they text...

6. I went to see 1D at Wembley stadium on the 8th of June 2014.

7. When I'm older, I want to go on the Voice Uk and for my audition I'm thinking I could sing 1D.

8. I have a phobia of heights and spiders.

9. I would happily sleep in pitch black.

10. I love polaroid cameras and for xmas, I asked for some disposable cameras.

11. I have 1 sister, VividDreams.

12. I have a 2 year old dog called Lula. She's a black/white/brown haired poodle cross with a French bulldog. Yeah, weird...

13. I'm a Luke and Liam girl.

14. I live with my mum, Lynne, and my dad, Pete.

15. I can play guitar, ukulele and I sing.

16. If I don't become a singer, I want to be a hairdresser and specialise in bridal hair styles.

17. I've been doing karate for about three years and my next belt is black. I'm an assistant instructor! The youngest in the club.

18. I have a crush on someone who's my best friend. I've known him since junior school. Friend zoned...

19. I am really bad at internet slang bc I only recently got Instagram and that's all the social media I have...

And finally.

20. My nickname is is Frazy (FrazyPie_Pumpkin123) and my dad calls me frazyfroofroo. <3

Ok guys. I hope you enjoyed this and learnt a little more about me! Maybe I'll do another 20 facts about me if this gets 50k, 100k?

Thanks again! Have a great day, night, evening or morning ♥

Bye! Love you guys! swag B-)

B-) swag

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