Chapter 21-"How are my bitches?!"

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Knock knock.

I reluctantly pull my bed covers off and hop out of bed in my blue t-shirt and long, pink PJ bottoms. I put on my white, fluffy slipper boots. "I'm coming..." I moan as I open the door revealing my friends.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" they all chorus and throw confetti up in the air. All of it lands on my head. I sleepily smile but quickly run into the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. Ava comes in and pulls my hair back, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"This is weird..." she mumbles.

When I'm done I reply to her comment. "Why?" I ask as I brush my teeth.

"This happened on my birthday too..." she tells me.

"Oh yeah. Hey, aren't we staying with our amazing friend in London while you go on the voice and the guys record before seeing the 1D boys again?" I ask.

"Oh, shoot, I forgot. Unfortunately today was the only day that still had the right amount of tickets for all of us. We need to tell everyone that we'll leave soon. We brought our suitcases here." Ava tells me as we walk out the bathroom to the lounge.

"You ok now Em?" Red asks as we sit next to her and Rox.

"Yeah, I'm good." I tell them.

"You've been doing that a lot lately. Being sick and saying that you're fine. When we get to London we could see a doctor?" Rox asks.

I contemplate the thought and shake my head. "I'll be fine. Ava you've got your jab today." I tell Ava who was playing FIFA and now stopped.

"I thought I didn't have to do that..." she says through gritted teeth. Ava turns around to look at me.

"Just because you ran away from the nurse, doesn't mean that you get off the hook that easily. If you don't get jabbed then you can't fly to London. You're choice...'' I warn her.

She groans before going back to FIFA that Cal paused. "Imma beat yo ass Hood!" she tells him.

"Oh, game on Irwin Jr!" he replies.

"I'm no junior!" she shouts back.


"Help me! She's gonna stab me! Please?!" Ava shouts as she runs round the nurses room. We finally got her out the car but won't hold still. Everyone are in the fairly big nurses room. Ash and Michael are guarding the door.

"Please calm down Miss Irwin." the nurse politely asks her as she looks through her bag and finds the needle. "Hold still." she says.

Ava looks at the door and tries to jump through but Ash catches her. "It'll be quick Ava!" Ash shouts and plops her down on the patient bed. Ava keeps squirming. "Fine! Look at the needle!" Ash tells her.

Ava takes one look at the needle, goes pale and faints. "Works every time..." Ash mumbles while Luke comes to his side and pulls Ava's left sleeve up. And the nurse quickly jabs her arm. As she does so, Ava shoots up and starts breathing heavily. I swear her eyes went as wide as they do in cartoons.

"What're you doing?!" Ava asks as the nurse puts a plaster on her injection.

"There all done. Do you want a chocolate button?" the nurse asks. Ava grabs her rucksack from Luke, swings it over her shoulder and runs out the room and out of the doctors surgery. "I'll take that as a no then. Ok, I would say nice to meet you all but honestly, don't bring Ava back to me. Ever again. Bye everyone!" she tells us.

We all walk out the room and see Ava on her phone outside. As we get closer we hear the conversation. "Yeah, a cab for Groveland Surgery. Ok thank you." she notices we're coming towards her and she tells us she got a cab. "My arm hurts." she moans as the cab pulls up. Ash comes back and forth with the suitcases that the women behind the desk let us leave there while Ava got jabbed.

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now