Chapter 23-Polaroid picture

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Don't ask why I put Tyler Oakley in there, it just happened...


"Babe! Get up, we're going to see Big Ben, The Tower Of London, London Eye, Tower Bridge and the shopping centre with Tyler. We're leaving in half an hour. Chop-chop your ass up!" Luke tells me and smacks my butt.

"Fuck you." I mumble causing him to chuckle and I feel the bed dip next to me.

"Please get up. We have the day together and you have the voice tonight." he tells me.

I groan before pulling covers up to my eyes and turning over to him. My eyes sleepily open and I see a vague figure of Luke in front of me. He smirks making me giggle and I pull the covers even closer to my body.

"Fine! I'll get up. Go away..." I say trying to trick him.

"I'm staying until you get up." he tells me and crosses his arms on his chest. I huff before kicking the covers off and grabbing a black hoodie and long purple PJ bottoms. I pull the hoodie and PJ's on before slipping my feet into some fluffy creme socks.

"Hey, sleeping beauty's awake guys." Tyler says as I plop down on one of the bar stools in his kitchen and he's on the other side of the bar, making some cereal. I flip him off.

"That's the bitch I know and love." he replies. He puts a spoon in his bowl of milk and cheerios and before he can take it, I grab the bowl and start eating.

"How dare you." he says.

"Oh, I dare..." I reply.


"Babe, you ready?" Luke asks and wraps his arms around my waist while I put a layer of mascara on my eyelashes.

"Luke, this is extremely hard while you have your arms around me and kissing my neck." I tell him. He continues and a shudder.

"Can I kiss that horrible stuff off your perfect lips?" Luke asks. I bite me lips and nod. I put the mascara wand back in the tube and he turns me around. We both slowly lean in and start making out. Luke pulls away and looks at my lips.

"That's done it. Let's go." he says and I grab my satchel before we run down the stairs to see everyone getting on their shoes.

It was a fairly nice day in London, seeing as it was Spring. I chose a grey jumper that had the Jack Daniels bottle front on it, black skinny jeans that I ripped a bit, black/grey boots that had the top turned down, white cat eye sunglasses, I left my hair down to put a black beanie on. My hair still had the other colour on the ends. Luke wore a black jumper, black vans, black skinny jeans with the knees ripped and his hair was styled in a quiff.

"Ok y'all, you ready?" Tyler asks.

"Yep, got my camera," I get my camera out and pull the screen out. "and I'm ready to vlog." I tell everyone.

"I think I'm gonna vlog for my channel too." Tyler says and pulls out his camera.

"What, do you have a YouTube channel Ava?" Luke asks.

I nod. "I do covers mainly, challenges, Q&A's and pranks. Oh, Tyler we were gonna do a collaboration, weren't we."

"Sure girl. We can do that tomorrow. Anyways, let's take the tube instead of a car. You get the real London experience in the Underground." Tyler says and we get out his house, he locks the front door and we start walking down the road. We get stopped a couple times for girls who love Tyler and they also notice me. They tell us they thought our collab we did a year ago was really funny and then we take a selfie.

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now