Chapter 7-you can sing?

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I'm still wide eyed with shock. Was one of my best friends just making out with my brother? I walk into the sitting room and sit in the arm chair with my head in my hands.

"You ok?" I hear Michael ask.

I would love to say yes but I have to be honest. "No... I can't believe what I just saw..." I reply.

"What is it?" Luke asks, I look and he's on the edge of his seat.

"This is really wired, but, I walk into the kitchen and see Red and Ashton... making out..." I tell them, this is still really shocking to me.

"Wait..." Luke says confused.

"WHAT?!" says Michael standing up. I notice Red and Ashton holding hands, and about to walk in the room, but Calum chooses now to ask what we're talking about. When I answer him, I hear the door click shut and footsteps down the driveway.

"I'll be back in a sec..." I say as I walk out the living room, open the front door and stand in the porch. I run to the side of Ash's car that I see him and Red in and lean against the open window frame of the drivers side.

"What're doin?" I ask sounding very Australian.

"Just getting away from the guys and Emily." Red pouts, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, we don't need that bullshit from them right now..." nods Ash agreeing.

"How about you guys come in and you, Emily and me go and watch a movie, Ash can sort something out with the guys." I suggest.

Red lets out a sigh. "Fine! C'mon..." she tells Ashton before getting out the car and heading inside. Closely followed by me and Ash.


"But I love the breakfast club Red!" Emily shouts in her face.

"Yeah, I know! The whole world knows! But pitch perfect is even better!" Red shouts back.

"Guys! Calm down, let's do rock, paper, scissors, ok?" I try to calm them down. Picking a movie with these two is hell. Literally.

"ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!" They chorus, but end up having a draw.

"Oh no! A draw." I say sarcastically. "well, I pick... The Parent Trap!" I scream and they both groan.

"Ok, Red you got the strawberry laces?" Em asks.

"Yep." she says while taking them out her bag and placing them on my bed.

"Let's start the film!" I say excitedly, and the two of them get on my bed in their sleeping bags.

Time for a bit of Lindsay Lohan...


"I feel so bad for the dad." Emily starts.

"I know! It's stupid how the mum knows but not the dad!" Red almost shouts.

"Well I think you're stupid, but you don't see me complaining do you?" as I say this Red looks quite offended.

"Can we stop arguing about this stupid, but amazing, film Ava made us watch and go to sleep. Ava needs all the beauty sleep she can get!" Emily looks at Red by the end of her last sentence.

"Hey!" I scream, throwing a pillow at her.

"Oh, this is war..." she says and us three have a pillow fight, the guys asked what the racket was soon they joined in. But after at least an hour, we decided to get some sleep.

I can't wait for tomorrow...


I'm woken up by people whispering. I yawn and open my eyes, squinting.

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now