Chapter 8-LA

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"So, it's the last one then?" Calum asks.

"Yep." Ash says as he opens the 4th DVD case and put it in the DVD. Just as we had started the film, my phone played text tone, the opening rap of 'starships' by Nicki Minaj, and it vibrted. Everyone stared at me.

"Back in a sec..." I whisper and tiptoe out quietly but i cringe when the living room door creaks. I unlock my phone and see it's from Mathew. Maybe I can finally find out what's wrong...

Mathew: hiya! happy birthday! ;)

Ava: Thanks! luv u!! Whats up?

Mathew: luv u too!! are u able to talk for a while?


Mathew: Before i say anything soz about not being with u today!! Ive been having some personal family issues bc my older annoying brother Dylan got drunk at a party and got a stupid tattoo with his and another random girls initals! Mumma was not happy... :(

Ava: oh...

Mathew: i also have some news...

Ava: ok, spill

Mathew: Well... my dad and mum have to travel to LA for busness and bc Dylan was a bad-ass punk, they want to take him. But i didn't want to stay with my Nan so...

Ava: So... Does that meen...

Mathew: If ure thinking what im thinking, then... yes, i will be in LA

Ava: How long?

Mathew: 2 months+...

Ava: wow... 2 whole months or more...

Mathew: hey, its ok. it will be over before you know it! however many months it may be

Ava: When ya leaving?

Mathew: tommorow we pack and then the next day we leave at 8:30am...

Ava: so soon? can i see you tomoz?

Mathew: soz no bc seeing some fam before we go away

Ava: What about the airport?

Mathew: of course. be there by 5:00-5:30am if ok

Ava: yeah, Ash will understand...

Mathew: g2g, c ya on Friday

Ava: ok... luv yu :(

Mathew: luv u 2 but dont send unhappy faces at me!

Ava: bye...

Mathew: bye!



Me and Red are giggling about a tweet that Jack Barakat from All Time Low tweeted, when we hear Ava sniffle and the door creaks open. Our heads shoot up to her. Her eyes are red and puffy.

"What's wrong Mini-Irwin LumpySpacePrincess?" Red asks.

She just whimpers and I hold my arms out so she can have a bestie hug. Ava burries her head in my chest and tries to cry quietly but ends up in a shaky wreck. I feel so bad, and if I don't even know what's wrong.

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now