Chapter 48 [part 2]-A great day

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Thanks for the 5.15K!!

I'm badass and I've not edited this!!!


I breath in and out before finally feeling excited and happy. I smile at Luke. Once we reach the end of the isle, I hand Ashley my bouquet of purple, white and lilac flowers. I turn back to Luke who now looks excited.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I'm Sarah and I will be the registrar. Now, before we begin, is there anyone present who do not wish the marriage of these people?" Sarah asks. No one stand up.

"Ok, the ceremony will begin. Ok, repeat after me," and Sarah turns to Luke. "I, Luke Robert Hemmings."

"I, Luke Robert Hemmings."

"Take Averly Lara Irwin." Sarah says.

"Take Averly Lara Irwin."

"To be my lawful wedded wife."

"To be my lawful wedded wife." Luke smiles.

"Now you Ava. I, Averly Lara Irwin." Sarah turns to me.

"I, Averly Lara Irwin." I say steadying my breath.

"Take Luke Robert Hemmings."

"Take Luke Robert Hemmings." I reply.

"To be my lawful wedded husband."

"To be my lawful wedded husband." I repeat and Luke and I look at each other, smiling.

"Now if you say the vows you made." Sarah smiles and turns to Luke.

"I vow to always listen to your opinion, to care for you, to value your choices, to support you and to love you." Luke reads off his piece of paper.

"I vow to get your opinion, to tell you the truth, to remember your choice, to help you in any way I can and to love you." I say and read off my piece of paper.

"Ok, now repeat after me. I, Luke Robert Hemmings." Sarah tells Luke.

"I, Luke Robert Hemmings."

"Vow to love and care for Averly Lara Irwin. " Sarah says.

"Vow to love and care for Averly Lara Irwin." Luke repeats.

"In sickness and in health."

"In sickness and in health." Luke finishes.

"I, Averly Lara Irwin." Sarah turns to me.

"I, Averly Lara Irwin." I stutter feeling tears brimming in my eyes.

"Vow to love and care for Luke Robert Hemmings." Sarah says.

"Vow to love and care for Luke Robert Hemmings."

"In sickness and in health."

"In sickness and in health." I finish and breath in and out.

"Now, without further ado, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Sarah smiles.

"Gladly." Luke mutters before kissing me.

I smile into the kiss and once we pull out we look around at everyone as they clap and our friends cheer. I smile like a complete idiot. Luke and I look at Ash and he takes a pic on his phone of us smiling. Luke guides me down to isle and we turn off. We walk around the people, walk across grass and behind hedges and go into the front of the building were we go into the lobby and then into the dining room.

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now