Chapter 30-EP and an ex

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I love you all LOADS!!!!!!!!

Question: what does shreked mean? And what does banta mean?


1 day later

''Guys?" Luke says for the guys to answer.

"Mhm." they reply.

"Wasn't the EP coming out tonight?" he asks.

The room goes silent.

"Oh yeah! I'm playing FIFA first!" Mikey calls dibs.

"And me!" I shout and grab another controller. Michael switches the Xbox on. As its loading, Emily switches it back off.

"Hey!" We moan in unison.

"You're really gonna have a night of video games to celebrate your first EP coming out?" she asks.

"Yeah." Cal, Luke, Michael and me reply in a duh tone.

"I'd rather do something else." Ash crosses his arms.

"You're dead to me!" I huff.

"Fine! C'mon guys, let's go out and eat." Luke sighs and gets up from the sofa.

"But, bu- bu-... I hate you." I mumble  and get up, picking my bag up and put on my black combat boots.


 "What's the age limit for alcoholic drinks?" I ask the waiter.

"17 with 18+ guidance." he tells me.

I smile and hand him the menu. "I'll have a Chardonnay then please."

The waiter nods and writes more on his note pad.

"Is that all?" he asks.

"Yep." I reply and the waiter smiles at everyone before walking off to the kitchens. We're currently in an Italian restaurant called Gustoso.

"Wine, very posh." Emily comments.

"You know me. I have a little more class than beer and drunk selfies, Em." I reply and she scowls.

"What're you eating?" Luke asks me.

"The normal, ham and pepperoni pizza." I inform him.

"What're you having?" I ask back.

"Pepperoni pizza."

"Nice." I reply.

"Here's the drinks." Roxy tells us.

"Beer?" The waiter asks and hands beer to Luke, Ash, Michael, Calum, Roxy and Ashley.

"Coke?" he asks again. Red and Emily put their hands up and he places the cokes in front of them.

"Chardonnay?" I smile and he places the glass above my napkin on the table.

"Food will come in a sec." The waiter informs us.

"Thanks." And he walks off.

"Why didn't you get cider, Red?" I ask her.

"Mum found out that I drank alcohol." Red replies.

"Oh... Em your 18, you can legally drink." I tell her.

"I just didn't want to." Emily mutters.

"Do you wanna have a sip of my beer?" Cal asks.

"No." she replies, sternly.

"You sur-"

"I said no!" Emily cuts Cal off through gritted teeth.

"Ok..." Cal stops.

"I'm going to the bathroom, anyone wanna come?" I ask, changing the subject.

Red, Ashley and Roxy nod but Emily storms off to the bathroom.

"Take that as a yes..." Ashley says. I chuckle and we head off to the bathroom.


"Can we have the check please?" Ash asks the waitor.

"Certainley." he smiles before going off to get the check. we get up and I grab my coat from the back of my chair and put it on. Soon the waitor comes back and Ash pays for it.

We all say our goodbyes to staff and head out the door. Once we get outside and start walking, my phone vibrates in my purse and I fummble around getting it. Just a twitter notification. I roll my eyes and slip it back in but before I know it I collide face first into someone else. I stumble back and two arms catch me. i open my eyes and see Calum and Emily holding me up. I regain balance and look at who I bumped into.

You've got to be kidding me.


And he's got an idiotic barbie doll behind him.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I ask venimously.

"What's it to you?" he bites back.

"Answer my question." I order.

He looks uncomfortable.

"Aw, afraid your mum won't stick up for you?" I coo.

"Shut the fuck up. Get a life Bitch." he spits.

"You don't want to go there." I warn.

"Really? Wh-" he starts but my fist collides with his face.

He falls to the floor clutching his face. The barbie goes to help him but yelps after realising she could break a nail. My friends cheer me on.

"That's why." I tell him.

"I think you broke my nose!" Mathew shouts.

"I wouldn't be too worried. You're just getting girls to sleep with you, they don't have to look at your face." I sass back at him.

"Oooooooh, burn!" my friends shout and we head off to get a taxi.

I've always had a good punch...

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now