Chapter 10-@5sos

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Already chapter 10! WOW!! hope u enjoy... ;)



"So let me get this straight, you punched my sister's boyfriend in the nose and then kneed him in the balls..." Ashton asked.

"And then left and drove back here." I finish.

"Dude... this is my sister's boyfriend." he looks at me disgusted. Then it suddenly hits me what he said.

"oh... yeah..." I guiltily say.

"Why would you do that..." He starts. I'm getting nevous at what he's going to say next. "...without me helping??!!" He stands up and high-fives me and then we give eachother a 'man-hug. He then whispers in my ear, "Good job man."

We then all cringe as the door creaks open.



I wake up and there's a pounding in my head, my stomach feels hollow, I feel like I haven't eaten in months, my legs and eyes are sore, I feel cold and I'm craving rich tea biscuits and coffee. My arms pull off the covers and when my feet hit the floor I find my fluffy bunny slippers. I decide to stand up but I wobble and fall back down on my bed. I slowly get back up and gain enough strenth to get my dressing gown and tie it loosely. I finally have enough strenth to walk downstairs. Noise comes from the living room so I follow it. (Again) the door creaks, by the looks of it, everyone cringes.

They all look at me. "Hey Ava, you ok?" Emily asks.

I nod. "You kinda look pale..." Michael adds.

"Like Slender Man." Calum says. My reply is putting my middle finger up and laying across Red and Emily. They just groan and stroke me.

"Can't get back to sleep?" Luke asks. And I nod again. I close my eyes and let out a bored noise through my lips. I turn my head to look at Ash's coffee. Just what I need... I prop my elbows on Red's leg and take a sip of the REALLY strong coffee. It burns my throat.

"You shouldn't drink anything except water Averly..." Ash warns me.

"That's not my name it's-" I start trying to finish but I get cut off by Emily.

"It's Mini-Irwin-Lumpy-Space-Princess of the Space Penguin People! Isn't that right Mini-Irwin-Lumpy-Space-Princess of the Space Penguin People." She replies trying not to laugh but ends up doing so.

"SOOO, your name is The-Bitch-Of-Nicknames-Jr. then?" I answer and see the smug look on her face die. "Oh, by the way, sorry about yesterday, thanks guys..." I say sitting up and they all say it's ok.

"Can someone get me some water please?" I ask.

Luke gets up and goes to the kitchen.

I find a nearby hair elastic on the table and enclose my ringlets in a loose high bun.

"Oh, Ava, mum and dad are arriving back by tomorrow lunchtime." Ash tells me.

"Ok. Did I sleep all night?" I ask.

"From 3:30pm till 9:30am today." Calum replies.

"Here you go..." Luke says as he hands me my ice cold glass of water. I thank him before sipping it slowly.

"What're we doing tonight then?" I ask.

"Well, if you're feeling better, we'll go to the diner for food and then maybe go to the park." Emily tells me.

I remember the last time I went to the diner it was our anniversary, 3 days ago...

"Hello! Ava, come away from your space penguin people and travel back down to earth on an ice crater!" Red gives me her speech while clicking her fingers in my face.

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora