Chapter 35-Radio Shows

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LUKE'S POV (finally)

3 weeks later

The guys and I are in the lounge eating KFC we just picked up in the drive through at 11:30 in the evening. I don't even know where we are in the world.

"This is good..." Michael mumbles with a mouth full of food.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes.

I look at it and Ava's contact pops up.

I click on it.

Switch on radio 2day, NOW!

Is all she's written.

I pull out my apple laptop and click safari. I type in radio 2day and click on the website. The first thing that shows up is a picture of Ava and a caption saying,

Up next is Richard interviewing the new phenomenon, Ava Irwin!

I feel my eyes go wide and I nudge Ash who's sitting next to me. His eyes go wide and I click to go live.

The jingle plays and the interview starts. I turn the volume up.

"Hello Sydney Australia! Today I'm joined by the girl who's first album came out a week ago and she's already number one. Its Miss Ava Irwin!" Richard introduces.

"Hi! Thanks for having me today, it's lovely here." Ava speaks through the microphone. I click the TV icon and we see them in the studio at desks and facing each other with headphones on. Ava's hair is up in a messy bun, she's wearing a black hoodie, glasses, no makeup and a turquoise top.

"Its lovely having you here, now let's talk about the voice. Your last performance was, fantastic!" he replies.

"Thank you!" Ava comments.

"That dress was beautiful, did you get to keep it?" Richard asks.

"Yeah, I did actually. It's hanging in my wardrobe at the moment. I kinda feel sorry for it because I might not wear it again." Ava tells him.

"Well, you never know. So you won second place in the competition then. What was that like?" he asks.

"Well, I mean, everyone would have liked to have won but if that happened it wouldn't have been a competition. It just comes down to the day and performance. I felt I could have given more but it's just such an amazing song to sing and it means so much to me." Ava tells him.

"You're only 17! Wow, you've got a great voice." Richard compliments her.

"Thank you very much."

"And because you're 17 you're still in school. How're you balancing that and your music career?" Richard asks.

"Well, its really difficult. I still want to learn and pass my exams but I'm still the same as every teenage girl I just have an abnormal job!" Ava tells him.

"So these songs on your new album, you wrote them all?" Rich questions.

"I wrote all except one, 'falling hard' was written by another artist and was given to me." Ava tells him.

He smiles. "Any favourites?"

"Well I really like 'lay your heart down' because of the lyrics. Lyrically I'm very pleased with how it turned out as it was the hardest song for me to write personally."

"Really? Love that track a lot. Have you got a ticket to the VMAs?" he asks.

"Um, I think I do. I'm not sure.'' Ava replies.

"The 5sos guys will be there, excited to see them?"

"Of course, its been over a month since they've gone and it'll be a great experience and atmosphere there." Ava says.

''Yep. So of course your brother is Ashton and you're currently dating Luke." Rich comments.

"Yeah. I actually texted him as the last song was playing so hopefully he's watching." Ava smiles and waves at the camera.

"Any songs about him on the album?" Rich wiggles his eyebrows.

Ava blushes. "Well, I have one that I did write with specifically Luke in mind. It's London, that was written about him. It's called London because that's where I did the Voice and got to go out to dinner with him and it's about going back to London and those memories with him and how much he means to me and spending that time together. I had the concept in my head but just had to get the words on paper and record in the studio."

Rich raises his eyebrows, shocked. "That song is probably the most emotional. What was the first song to record and last song?"

Ava lets out a sigh as she thinks. "I think it may have been 'London' first and 'falling hard' was second to last but last song to write and record was.. I think 'my mistake'."

"What was the message you want to give to your fans through this album?"

"Well the album, if you think carefully, is a story of my life in the past few months. The first song sings about my happy relationship while I was in school and as you get through the songs, you listen and it goes from meeting new people, losing people, gaining people you didn't think you would and then those people gained being just what you need. The message I suppose, is that as you grow, people come and go, some longer than others. But that people change and sometimes for the better but things work out differently to how you expect. I thought I would still be in school, in the relationship I was in before but I've met people, gone on an exciting journey to London and seen old friends who never change. My parents even split up and that was hard but I was able to write another song explaning that too, hopefully people relate and I even bumped into my half sister in the prossess. Look, what I'm trying to say is that, being a teen is a rollercoaster of people, emotions and feelings. Those feelings and emotions and people differ, but during those years, you find yourself. That's what I'm doing and I hope for more albums to come to explore myself more." Ava rants and the whole station is silent before people in the studio clap, including us guys.

"That was so emotional, and what's nice is that teens listening to the album and that speech, know how you feel and that could help people." Rich wows.

"And that's what I hope to do." Ava smiles.

"You're actually going to be playing a live song for us now, I believe it's a cover, so if you'll go get ready." Richard tells her.

"Ok..." Ava says before taking off the headphones and walking over to a microphone, a guitar on a stand and a guy sitting on a drum box next to her.

Ava picks the guitar up and strums a note, testing the sound. "Ok, so this is my cover of Stay With Me by Sam Smith." Ava strums a single chord and starts her performance


Once Ava's finished with her interview, I decide to phone her.

"Hi Luke!!" Ava screams.

"Woah, break my ear drums." I chuckle.

"So? How did I do?!" she asks.

"Amazing! I'm so proud." I reply.

"Wooooooh! Thanks!! Gotta go record!!!" Ava shouts before hanging up. I pull the phone way from my ear.

"Guys, I think Ava broke my ear drum..." I tell them.

Their reply is laughing.

Nice, my best mates can't help a burst ear drum.

I picked the right guys to start a band with...

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now