Chapter 45-Two unexpected arrivals

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Bang Bang Bang.

That's a great way to be woken up...

I groan and look at Luke laying next to me. So peaceful.

I get up and put on a bra, underwear, shorts, a translucent white tank top and socks. I hear another bang and take a lamp before running down the stairs. I unlock the front door and breath in and out before nervously opening it.

"My bitch!" Tyler shouts.

"He's annoyed me the whole flight." Ashley moans and walks straight past me into the house.

"Hi Tay-Tay!" I coo making Tyler blush. We hug each other and we go into the lounge where we find Ashley putting Adventure Time into the DVD player. She then sits on the sofa as it starts.

"How was your flight?" I ask.

"Well, I phoned Ashley and said we should totally meet in London and, after a lot of bribing, I got her to agree. Then we flew from London to Sydney ASAP and here we are!" Tyler screams.

I open my mouth to speak but Luke sleepily walks in. "What's with the screami- oh, Tyler's here. And Ashley." Luke mutters. He sits down beside me and we peck each others lips.

"What's the time?" I ask. Luke checks his phone.

"12:45." he tells me.

"I'll call the others." I say and get up. I walk out the room to call the others.


"What's the surpri- Tyler!" Red screams as she runs into the living room. She practically kills Tyler with her hug.

"My second bitch!" he puffs out. Red realises she's hurting him and pulls out.

Emily waddles in.

"Ok, you look different. Have you changed your hair?" Tyler asks, trying to keep a straight face.

"How many weeks to go?" he asks as they try to hug.

"Two weeks and my feet are killing me." Em moans. She goes to a sofa and plops down on it. We watch Adventure Time until Emily starts moving around.

"You ok Em?" Calum worriedly asks her. Em nods but squints and groans in pain.

"She's just kicking like hell. And pushing. And moving aroun- I'm getting contractions." Em tells us.

"Ok, guys get her up. Where's your hospital bag?" I ask.

"At our flat." Cal replies.

"Give me your keys and I'll get it." Michael offers. Cal thanks him before handing the keys over and Michael rushes out the front door.

Ash, Cal and Luke heave Emily up and Cal takes her arm. I rush to her other side.

"Red, phone Em's mum." I tell her and she takes Em's phone.

We slowly get Em to the car and we take two out of the three cars. Michael took his so Roxy, Ash, Ashley and Tyler go in one and Red, Luke, Cal, Em and I go in the other. Luke drives, Red in the passenger and Cal and I in the back to help Em.

Luke gets us to the hospital in about ten minutes. Ten, painfully loud, minutes.

Em was screaming in pain ALL the way there.

When we finally get her out the car, we hurry to the front doors.


Four hours later, baby girl Hood is breathing and in the world.

Red and I exit the room. Everyone is outside in the hallway on chairs.

"How's she doing?" Luke asks.

"There is a new Hood." I smile and me and Red exchange glances.

We let everyone come in and they see the baby that's currently in Cal's arms.

"Everyone, meet Isabelle Rosie Hood." Cal smiles and rocks Isabelle in his arms.

Isabelle's passed around the room and held.

"I think we should go, Emily's asleep." Michael chuckles.

"Ok, she'll be home tomorrow. Bye guys." Cal whispers.

We all leave and I close the door behind me. I leave Cal, Em and Isabelle to sleep...

Hi guys!!

Ok, listen. I don't know shit about people giving birth so don't be mean.

I'm so proud of Emily. *tears form in eyes and sniffles.* I'm sorry I just get so emotional...

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now