Chapter 36-Oh how things can change...

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My day was just like any other.






You get where I'm coming from...

I walk out of tutor and change into my netball kit for club. I jog up to the playground where the other girls are and put on a blue bib with the letters GA for Goal Attack. The girls carry on whispering.

"Oh for god sakes, grab a ball and practise! This is netball, not a mother's meeting! Jesus." I mutter the last word under my breath.

Me and Red both do after school sports on Thursdays. I do girls netball and Red does tennis.


I trudge back into the changing rooms half an hour later. I change as quickly as I can and walk to my locker, stuffing my sports holdall back in there. I huff before walking to my car. I get in and put the radio on before starting it up and driving home.

Then the song Teenage Dirt bag starts playing and I can't help but shake my head back and forth. My hair gets in my face but I laugh it off.

"Wooooooh!!" I laugh.

Suddenly, the sound of car horns and tyres screeching fill my ears and I look up but the only thing I see is a car colliding with mine. Then,





I finish tennis and remember I forgot my car. I try calling my mum to get a lift home but no, of all days, she's got work! I sigh before walking back home.

When I arrive, I run upstairs and get into running gear. I decide to take a shower after a jog. I put the door on the latch, seeing as my younger 13 year old sister and 11 year old sister are home, and jog round the corner. I pull my phone and earphones out before putting the Rolling Stones on shuffle.

I've only gone for about 3 minutes, when I hear ambulance sirens. I give a confused look before jogging a little faster to where I hear the sirens.

As soon as I reach the deafening noise, my hand flies over my mouth in shock. Police cars and ambulance's surround two cars who obviously collided. I pull my earphones out and stuff them in the pocket with my phone.

I walk closer and see a guy, aged about 30, covered in cuts and bruises being taken in an ambulance. Curriously, I walk a little more closer and see a girl with an oxygen mask over her nose and a big cut on her forehead. I rub my eyes to make sure. It can't be. My eyes widen and fill with tears on the verge of spilling over.


I turn to an officer near me. I tap on his shoulder and he turns around.

"What can I do for you?" he smiles.

"Um, is that Ava Irwin?" I sniffle.

"Yes it is, are you family or a friend?" he asks.

"I'm her best friend. Can I come with her to the hospital?" I ask and wipe tears from my eyes.

"Of course." he smiles sympathetically before showing me to an ambulance that Ava's been put into.

I pull my phone out my pocket. I scroll through the contacts and pick my house phone.

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now