Chapter 41-I like the summer rain

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I'm lazy so I didn't bother to check this. Hope its right!!


"Ava, people are downstairs to see you." Luke tells me. I grunt and roll out of bed. I do the normal, hair in a bun, glasses on, unicorn onezie on and fluffy socks on. I trudge into the living room and see a man sitting with everyone.

"Ah, Ava?" he asks, his thick American accent showing.

"Yep." I smile and rub my eyes.

"I'm guessing Will didn't call you." he chuckles. I shake my head.

"I'm Isaac Rentz, I'll be directing your first music video."

My head snaps up as he says this.

"M-music video?" I ask.

Isaac has his turn at nodding.

"What song?" I wonder.

"Your cover of Cold play The Scientist." Isaac tells me.

"I'd better put on makeu-"

"I don't think that'll be nesasery." he cuts me off.

Half an hour later...

"We're filming in the rain." Isaac smirks.

"Oh, ok! What's the first scene?" I ask.

"You tap your boyfriends contact on your phone but he doesn't answer the two times so you decide to take a walk to clear your head but don't bring a coat and begins to rain. Basically, the rain shows your emotion." Isaac tells me. I nod and he asks if I can sit on the sofa.

"Ava, look at your phone, sigh, press the contact again, listen to the voicemail we recorded, press end, get up slip boots on, put coat on, put beanie on, mouth the words to the song as we play it, sometimes look around, walk to the park, sit on the bench, end with your phone ringing and you pick it up. Last line you say is hi Jacob." Isaac tells me.

"Ok. I'm ready." I say. I inhale and exhale.

"And, ACTION!" Isaac declares. Everyone go quiet as I press the contact. It goes to voicemail.

"Hi, this is Jacob,"

"And Ava!!"

"Yeah, and Ava's phone. We can't get to the phone right now, but we'll phone back later."

"Bye!!" I sigh after its over.

I put my phone in my pocket and get up. The cameras follow me. I put my coat on and stuff my feet in my black combat boots. I open the door as look out at the rain.

"And, CUT!" Isaac says, indicating end of the scene.

"That was hard." I mutter as Isaac and I watch the scene.

"Well done Ava, first scene down." Isaac smiles.

"What's the next scene?" I ask.

"The camera will go outside and you walk out. Pull your hood up and the music will start, just mouth, walk, look at the sky, watch cars and don't mouth when I put my hand up. Ok?"

"Yep." I reply.

"Ok, ready camera guys?" Isaac asks and they give him the thumbs up. They put their hoods up and go out in the rain. They focus and Isaac plays the music. I step out.

"Come up to meet you,

Tell you I'm sorry,

You don't know how lovely you are..." I mouth.

I get out the path and open my mouth to sing again but a car quickly drives past and splashes a puddle from the side of the road and hits me.

I gasp and look down. I begin laughing.

"Does anyone have a spare change of my clothes?" I chuckle. Someone calls me from inside and I waddle to her as the clothes stick and rub against my skin.


I groan and get inside the house. I just said goodbye to the crew and Isaac was going to cut the video and edit it. I take my boots off after having them on for 5 hours straight. I wobble into the living room and see everyone sitting there. They look over and all smirk.

"How did it go?" Luke asks.

"I'm wet, I have rashes from my wet clothes, I've got numb feet, my throat is sore and I've been out in the rain, that's still falling, for 5 hours. I need food." I declare.

I waddle upstairs and throw everything I'm wearing into the washing basket. I wrap at towel round me and take a long warm shower.

10 minutes later

I trudge downstairs in my onezie, again, a beanie, gloves, a pillow in my hand and I'm wearing a sleeping bag. I get in the sleeping bag and hop into the living room. I make so much effort that I begin laughing as I see confused faces from my friends. I laugh so much that I fall over in the living room.

"What're you doing?" Luke asks.

"I'm cold." I wine. I roll over and Red starts laughing so I start laughing again and get twisted in the sleeping bag and can't move.

"Do you want help?" she asks. I shimmy and pull my arms up a little and try to pull the top down to uncover my mouth. Red starts pulling it down for me but starts laughing again and falls back on the carpet, which makes her laugh harder.

"Fuck you." I mumble against the sleeping bag. I bring my legs up and push off against the carpet. I do this as quickly as possible and probably look ike a complete twat. Roxy laughs so much she falls on the floor and she shuffles over to me.

"You look like a complete twat." she laughs.

See, I thought so. I move from side to side trying to unzip this bloudy thing.

"I'm sure if baby could speak, she'd never want to come out if it meant she was part of this family." Emily says trying to keep a straight face.

We carry on laughing for a few minutes.

Only four months till baby Hood is born...

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now