Chapter 12-The night sky kiss

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We asked her questions and she asked us back. I found out that Roxy came from Melbourne but moved to Sydney when she was 7, she pierces peoples bodies and faces for a living, her and Michael met at a Green Day concert and then kept in touch, she is 18 and has her own apartment. I look at my watch and realise we talked for over an hour.

"Who wants more drinks?" Emily asks us all, standing up.

Red looks undeceive about her answer. "My parents will kill me if they find out I had more than one cider when I'm only 17... Yes please." she replies handing Emily her cup. I laugh at Red.

"What about you Ava?" Em asks me.

"Not now thanks, I'll be back later." I say before exiting the room and walking into the kitchen only to find Cal, Ash and Mikey but not Luke. Damn it.

"Guys, where's Luke?" I ask before sipping a bit of my non-alcoholic-cocktail.

"Outside." Cal answers. I give him a thumbs up and step outside into the dark and scanning the garden from the patio. My eyes lock on Luke laying in the hammock. I walk over to him, placing my cup on the grass, and climb in. I look up to the starry sky but out of the corner of my eye I can see Luke looking at me.

"Hi." I mutter.

"Hey." he says, turning back to the sky.

"You ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, you?" he asks back.

"No." I reply.

He props himself up on his elbows and looks at me once again. "Why?"

"1-I'm not ready for Ash to maybe leave and 2-I'm stupid." I tell him and then huff.

"Why're you stupid Ava?"

"Cause, I thought Mathew was worth it, I think I loved him, but I just fell hard. You know what I mean?" I say turning to him. he looks down at me.

"I do..." Luke replies before leaning forward so out faces are about 2-inches away from each other.

"Um, Lu-" I start but I get cut off when he smashes our lips together. I suddenly realise what he is doing and knot my hands behind his neck and tilt my head on the side to make it easier. His hands find a place on my hips. Our lips move in sync like they're made for each other. I slowly move on top of him and put my knees up to his waist so I'm now bending over to kiss him. Then, someone clears their throat making us pull apart and look to the side. My eyes lock with the person who interrupted us. Oh...



Cal, Mikey and me have been drinking and talking for nearly 10 minutes and I suddenly remember that Ava's still outside looking for Luke.

"I'll be back in a sec guys..." I tell them placing my cup on the table. I walk outside and remember that Mike has a hammock, and Luke being the lazy arse he is would probably be there, so I go off to find it. I've not gone far when I see the hammock up ahead, with not only Luke on it. But Ava too... They are deep in discussion but suddenly Luke leans in and before I know it they're making out. Jesus. So I do the first thing that comes to my head, clear my throat. As I do so, they both pull apart and look at me. Ava has that look on her face when mum's home and Ava's been sent home from school because she hasn't taken her hat off. yep, the look is, Shit...

"Um, Ashton... hi." Is all Ava can say.

"Hi Ashton..." Luke replies. Ava quickly jumps off Luke and smooths her skirt down.

"I'm just, yep..." she says, awkwardly pointing inside and walking off with her half empty cup.

"So..." I say crossing my arms. Luke sits up.

"Was that bad?" Luke asks me.

I just think to myself. "You really like her?"

"Yep." Luke replies.

"Then, what the hell, go get her!" I shout. He stands up and walks towards the house, head down.

What have I got myself into?

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now