Chapter 18-The Gym

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I love you guys!

Hope you're enjoying the story!!


Knock knock.

"Why?!" I groan and I lift my head up off Luke's chest to see him staring at me.

"Hey beautiful." he greets me.

"I could get use to waking up to you." I reply, getting up and realising I'm still in my denim shorts and crop-top. The bandages covering my tattoos are still secure around my body and wrist. I walk over to the back of my door and take my dressing gown off the hook and put it on, not bothering to tie it. "Back in a sec..." I mutter to Luke and quietly walk out the room only to hear another knock.

"Jesus, I'm coming!" I moan coming down the stairs. I hear giggling as I reach the bottom. I open the door to reveal Emily wearing a pair 3/4 length black leggings, a grey sports bra and Red wearing black sports shorts and a tight fitted blue T-shirt. They both have big sports bags on their shoulders.

"Hey girl!" Emily greets me in an American accent.

"Hey Wifey!!" Red shouts pulling me into an embrace. 

I pull back. "Sup Bitches." I tiredly say. Red gasps  and clutches her heart as Emily starts wiping under her eyes and sniffling.

"I'm so proud Averly! You got our names right!" Emily jokes.

I laugh. "What time is it?" 

Red looks at her watch. "8:57."

My eyes go wide. "Shit, I'll go get ready." I tell them and run upstairs. I open the door and come face to face with Luke.

"Hey." he says and looks at my lips. Oh god...

We both lean in and share another kiss. But, honestly I'm bored of describing each kiss we share.

"Thanks." I say and get in my room pushing him out. "I'm getting dressed."

"WHAT?! Can't I see?" he asks giving me puppy eyes. I smile and slam the door.

"That's not nice..." Luke mutters through the other side of the door. Then I hear him trudge down the stairs.

I chuckle before opening my wardrobe and taking out my gym bag. I pull out, black sports shorts and a purple sports bra. After I put those on, I take off the bandages and I put on a black hoodie covering my back tattoo. I go over to my drawers and take out some plain white trainer socks and put them on my feet. I put my phone, wallet, gym card, car keys, a hand towel, a water bottle and pack of strawberry gum in my sports bag. I pop a piece of gum in my mouth and start to chew. I pick up my black trainers and, with my bag on one shoulder, walk out my bedroom and downstairs to the living room. When I enter, Emily wolf whistles making me strike a pose before I shake my head in laughter and sit on the small sofa next to Luke. I tie my laces up.

"Ready?" I ask standing up and slinging my bag on my shoulder. They nod and we start walking out.

"Ava, can I see your tattoo now?'' he asks as I turn to face him. His expression is hoping.

"You think I'd give you the prize when you haven't even worked yet? Bye Luke!" I call out and pull the girls out the house. I mentally laugh. We get outside and I hand Emily the keys and she mutters a 'thanks.' Emily climbs in the driver's side, I get in the passenger and Red rides in the back.

"Why can't I drive?'' Red asks. Emily and me make police car sirens together. Everyone knows Red can't drive. "Screw you guys..." she mutters in response while crossing her arms and slumping back into the sofa.


"Thank you girls, you're cards say your gym slot is 9:00-11:00. Have fun!" the woman at the desk tells us.

We got our gym cards swiped and now we are walking to the gym. "I'm gonna beat my weight lifting number. What're you two gonna do?" I ask them.

"I think us three should go on the cardio together." Red replies. Emily and I nod in agreement. We set our bags down next to the row of cardio machines, take our hoodies off and place them on top of our bags.

"Let's see then Ava." Emily encourages. I turn around and they look at my tattoo. "That's so cool Ava! Don't you think Red?"

"Hell yes, that's awesome. Have you showed Luke yet?" Red asks me.

"No, he's gonna see it tonight. He said that, Roxy, Michael, Calum, Ash, you two, him and me are going out tonight for dinner. I'll wear a dress that's cut at the back so it shows the tattoo. Shall we?" I say motioning towards the machines. They nod and we quickly stretch before sitting on the seat and pedaling. I go in the middle with Emily on my left and Red on my right.

"How was Mathew yesterday Ava?" Emily asks.

"That dip shit..." I mutter.

"Not that well then, hey?" Emily says.

"Well, we got to the airport, I had a go at him, gave the promise ring and bracelet back, Luke found me, went to see Roxy, got a tattoo and nose piercing..." I say showing her my nose. "Went home to find, the one and only, Red and Ash on the couch, showed them and watched movies. Great day. How about you guys?" I ask.

"Ash and me had so much fun! We built a fort of sheets, watched movies and stuffed our faces. He drove me home and we kissed..." Red trails off at the end.

"That's so sweet. Even if it is my brother." I say.

"Ha, LOL. I had a very eventful day and evening." Emily replies.

"Do tell..." I command.

"We played 20 questions, got to the theatre and watched the movie, that was great. But promise you won't hate me." she warns and Red and I look at each other with confused looks and nod while turning back to Em to see her worried. "Well, the day was great, and we might have hooked up..." she tells us biting her lip nervously.

"WHAT?!'' Red and me shout in unison.

"Please don't hate me." Emily pleads us. Red jumps off the cardio and I follow her actions. Emily stops pedaling and gets off too.

"Let's stop this conversation and decide what to wear for tonight." I say. Emily agrees by nodding her head and her and Red both go to the exercise balls while I take some weights and bring them next to the girls. I start using the weights. "We could go home, shower, and then go to town and go to Starbucks and eat before shopping?"

"Yeah, we could ask Roxy if she wants to come?" Red suggests.

"That's a great idea. Cmon, let's work out and leave!" Emily says and we all hurry up in our exercises.


I drive the girls to their houses and after we all shower I pick them back up, along with Roxy, and we head off to town.

Starbucks here we come...

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now