Chapter 31-Song for Luke

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I decided to not have the performance with the judge because it complicates things!

love ya!! <3


Its finally here.

The finals!

I've decided to sing a song that means the world to me. I may have got my inspiration from Luke...

"5 minutes." the woman crew member tells Dani and me. I now know her name, Stacy.

"Stacy's mom has got it going on,

She's all ever want, I've been waiting for so long,

Stacy can't you see, you're just not the girl for me,

I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Stacy's mom..." I mutter as I put in my black feather earrings.

"Ready to go?" Dani asks. 

"Yep." I reply and brush my skirt down. I check my hair out before we get out the dressing room, shut the door and walk down the corridor. I'm given a microphone because I'm going on first.  I breath in and out a couple of times before I'm hurried up the metal stairs and await for my queue. 

"Ava's on in 3, 2, and go!" the member of crew ushers me on.

This is it...


The lights suddenly go out and I turn around as I was talking to Ash, Red, Cal and Em who are sitting behind us. Sitting on my left is Mikey, Roxy and Tyler. 

"Welcome Ava!" Emma introduces her and everyone clap but our group cheer. Then the spotlight glows and as the piano intro plays, Ava glides into it in time to the keys. She looks beautiful.

She's wearing a long black dress with a dipped chest, black lace covers up to her neck and her hair is curled along with black feather earings.

"Heart, beats, fast,

Colours and promises, She didn't just pick a twilight song, did she?

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid, to, fall?

But watching you stand, alone,

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer,

I have died every day waiting for you,

Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you,

For a thousand years,

I'll love you for a thousand more,

Time, stands, still,

Beauty in, all, she, is,

I will be brave,

I will not let anything take away,

What's standing in front, of, me,

Every breath,

Every hour has come to this,

One step closer,

I have died every day waiting for you,

Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you,

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now