Chapter 32-Packing

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This will be a short/filler chapter


1 week later

"Luke, you packed everything?" Ava asks.

"Yep." I tell her and zip up the suitcase.

The guys and me are now leaving for the Take Me Home Tour. I'm honestly really excited to live my dream but I can't leave. I now love Ava so much. I haven't even seen my mum before we leave. I can't moan though, Ava and Ash haven't seen their divorced parents in 3 months. I plan on letting Ava meet my family when we get back for a month.

"Ready to go?" she asks.

I sigh. "Yep."



The drive to the airport was quiet.

And not a comfortable quiet...

Both cars stop and we all get out them. The guy take their mountainous bags out the various car boots. We all trudge to the plane gates. 

When we get inside, we all stand in front of the flashing screen showing plane times.

"We've got an hour till our plane takes off." Ash tells us.

"Goodbyes now?" Cal asks.

First I hug Cal.

"Bye, look after everyone!" I smile.

"Yep, stay strong, it'll be ok in the end." he tells me.

Then I hug Michael.

"Bye Ava."

"Bye, send me a pic of each hair colour!" I remind him.

"Won't forget!" he says.

As we pull out, Ash immediately pulls me in a bone crushing hug.

"Love you li'l sis. Take care of yourself." he tells me.

"I will, have fun and look after Luke." I reply while sniffling and wiping my irritated eyes.

I turn around and face Luke.

"Luke..." I start but Luke pulls my waist in and hugs me. I snake my arms around his neck and rest my head on his shoulder.

"I want you to know that I'm so proud of you and even if you're going away, we'll text and call everyday." I tell him constantly wiping my eyes.

"Of course. I don't want to say goodbye." Luke pouts.

"Hey, let's not think this as saying goodbye but just a... see you later." I tell him. We kiss each other.

"I love you so much Ava." he reminds me.

"I love you too."

"Sorry to interrupt but we've got to go through security now." Ash sniffles. We pull apart and I nod.

"Have fun guys." I say and they wave off, all crying a little.

"They're gone..." Red mumbles.

"Yeah... let's go before I cry even more." I reply and we walk off.


As soon as I unlock the door, Emily runs to the bathroom and we hear her puke once. Lovely.

Roxy jogs to her.

A minute later she gets out. "Can I tell you guys something?" Emily asks.

"Course." I shrug.

Emily sighs. "Let's sit down."

We walk into the living room and fall back on the sofas, exhausted.

"Ok, you know I've been puking regularly for a while now and I know why..." she tells us.

"Why?!" we scream at her.


I'm pregnant..."

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now